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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] [3.5] Jwplayer 6 working in Chrome, not in Firefox, Safari and IE

Started by TigerClaw,

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TigerClawTopic starter


I'm having problems with the jwplayer 6. I summarise below everything I discovered. Please note we are speaking here about local mp4 videos encoded in h264, yuv420p with ffmpeg.

1) Chrome under Mac: Playing correctly. You can jump from one minute to another and everything is smooth.
2) Firefox under Mac: Video plays only after 100% is buffered.
3) Safari under Mac: File not found error.
4) Under windows: Chrome is working. Firefox gives file not found but it starts if you try again. IE is not working
5) Under android: Chrome is working perfectly.

All browsers are the last version at the time of writing.

I tried to use http://www.jwplayer.com/wizard/ and all browsers work perfectly. I can jump from one minute to another and everything is smooth.

You can reproduce the error on your installation using the attached mp4 file. It is quite small so if you have a fast connection it could give the impression it is starting before the end of buffering under firefox, but it is not like that.

And 1 kind of unrelated question: when are you going to implement other players like video.js?

Thanks! Can't wait to resolve this issue so I can finally finish the project! :)




TigerClawTopic starter



with manual ssh encoding i use:

ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.avi -vcodec libx264 -s 640x360 -threads 4 -movflags faststart OUTPUT_FILE.mp4

TigerClawTopic starter

Done. It is better because now Firefox (Mac) will start to play the file immediately but you still can't jump from one minute to another. Safari is still not working.

Under windows (7) nothing changes.

I'm updating all the files here: http://dropcanvas.com/70o04

What is strange is that in the jwplayer website all these videos works perfectly in all browsers so it is not related to the encoding.

Marius P.

JwPlayer it's not flawless, for me even their demo fails, as of this new version Firefox gets pushed into html5, even with flash selected as primary (not sure why, but reported as bug).
For Firefox you need flash because firefox is really bad with html5.
Here is a screenshot of their setup on latest Safari / Win8

On PHPVibe I don't have problems on Safari and Chrome, Firefox needs the extra click after that error, and on android native browser and chrome it plays ok.

You can open lib/class.providers.php and set:

primary : "html5",


primary : "flash",

But only html5 has native support for pseudo-streaming, flash will wait for file download.
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TigerClawTopic starter

Thanks for the answer Mario. Yes I got the idea the jwplayer is quite "strange" in his behaviour.
Could you please give me some suggestions on how to implement a different player in phpvibe? Or maybe are you guys going to give different options soon?

I can't deploy a project where the videos works perfectly only on Chrome :| So at this point I'm pretty open to any suggestion.


Marius P.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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this is directly related to the stuff we've been working.
if you use the included jwplayer and set up a test page embedding the video pseudostreaming works.

  file: "http://phpvibe.conservative-media.com/testfiles/test.mp4",
  image: "http://phpvibe.conservative-media.com/testfiles/test.gif",
  primary: "flash",
  startparam: "start"

its only when being called normally it doesn't.
I've tried changing the primary in classprodiers and it doesn't seem to work. also adding the js to detect if mozilla (can't remember if it was you or alex that sent me that file) and then change vprim to flash doesn't.

so flowplayer may be the way to go, jw just seems to not really care. every post on their support leads to people saying just add startparam : start which does not help.

TigerClawTopic starter

Quote from: dmacleo on
this is directly related to the stuff we've been working.
if you use the included jwplayer and set up a test page embedding the video pseudostreaming works.

That page works perfectly on Mac under Safari, Firefox and Chrome resolving all the issues I reported in the first post.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: @Mario on
Flowplayer seems to work fine on FF with a bit of changes, I will commit them a bit later to the release http://www.videoinedit.com/video/5772/inna-more-than-friends-official-video-mp4/&nsfw=1

Feedback? Before we start to make a custom skin for it.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: dmacleo on
so flowplayer may be the way to go, jw just seems to not really care. every post on their support leads to people saying just add startparam : start which does not help.

For the price they ask, they should care, but this is a very new and heavy part of coding html5/jquery media, it depends on so much elements...
So, conclusion, a simple embed under flash would work, but I guess it does not fallback to html5 for mobile players, will check in a second.


Quote from: Alexander on
Feedback? Before we start to make a custom skin for it.
got tied up with snow removal (got 2 storms due in over this week too SIGH) so wasn't able test stuff last night but I trust your judgement :)

PHPVibe A.


on win7 and win 8.1 I cannot seek past a point not downloaded.
all extensions disabled too so both firefox are bone stock.
and thats odd as its sent as an flv file, I suspect this is due to apache modules, specifically mod_flvx.
will upload that one to my server today to test that theory.

PHPVibe A.

The weird thing is I can...on both, actually all our pcs and laptops from here can.
Except on IE, which doesn't seem to work.


yeah that I cannot explain, only thing that makes sense is its d/l fast enough so you don't notice.

Marius P.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


works fine on you tube for me
been w/o power all day so no chance to upload yet

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