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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] HD FLV Player

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Hi guys, yesterday Alexander asked me to contact this people for their player http://www.hdflvplayer.net/
But the price for a developer license it's 1400 usd  :(  which is a pretty large investment and for now we have to pass it. Maybe in the future.
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how hard would it be for average user to just substitute it?

PHPVibe A.

Mario will write a tutorial, but the 99$ price tag for commercial version it's pretty large as well.


yeah :(
since google adsense banned me I don't make $$ so I suspect I would not be considered commercial site but who knows.
so many jw issues though, with the free one it still makes calls to jw server ad server and if thats down player hangs and free users cannot disable the callout.
guess its a damned if you do damned if you don't situation :(
although 99 is better than jw cost still.

PHPVibe A.


not able to skip fwd in firefox BUT if you don't have mod_h264 installed on server that would explain it.
I know flowplayer works well (usually) on my server so this may be the way to go.

PHPVibe A.

Just tested on FF, works well for me, used a new big video.
Html5 should support seeking negatively, we don't have mod_h264.
The actual question is why flowplayer works on FF well, and JwPlayer doesn't? :/

PHPVibe A.


not able to go past the already d/l point for me, if you have super fast connection you would not see the issue. I (out in rural area) only have a 5 +/- dsl connection (and thats fastest available) so I can see the buffer filling and can only move around in that area.
can you email me setup so I can add to the test site and see?
I meant to email you access but think I forgot, where this server has all the 264 and mod_flvx additions to apache its a good test base. and I don't mind breaking the site to test :)



Quote from: Alexander on
Another alternative would be this http://codecanyon.net/item/html5-responsive-video-player-advertising-/4282278
I had actually been looking at that yesterday. their samples are so small its hard to tell but it looked like I was able to move around ok.

PHPVibe A.

I can see the buffer size and go way past it, even start it at the end in all browsers with flowplayer, even on a 3g connection, on PC we are plugged to a 1Gbps connection.

May depends on operating system as well, I'm on windows  8.1 and lowest we have it's w8.

PHPVibe A.

Will send you, you'll need to check flowplayer in admin under player config and clear cache as well.


I have win7, I'll fire up my win8 vm and see.
its possible its a 7 vs 8 issue I suppose but that would surprise me.
can you do me a favor, post a large video and then DON'T view it and post link?
want to rule out cache issue, I know it sounds odd but I have seen that before. would like to see us have similar results, its a huge favor I know.



Quote from: Alexander on
Will send you, you'll need to check flowplayer in admin under player config and clear cache as well.
cool I re-add the ftp access and also send you the directadmin access to the test site so you can do whatever you need.

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