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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Something which could interfere setup of 3.6

Started by ollipaust,

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ollipaustTopic starter


i just found randomly, that in 3.6 the file "hold" is missing.
this causes some troubles like "un-CSS'ed" index without redirecting to /setup and maybe some other issues too


ollipaustTopic starter

i tried to make a fresh install again.

i found out that without "hold" file, my hole site is really, really slow, even in /setup its really slow
and causes my server to block my ip.

when I upload "hold" file manually, its super fast like it should be but i cannot execute /setup

when I click on the "RUN SETUP"-Link, somehow my URL changeds to "domain.com/setup/setup/setup/index.php". Everytime i click on "RUN SETUP", it adds another /setup to the URL

this really weird and i cannot work like this... please give me a solution

ollipaustTopic starter

okay so I figured out again, that this setup problem only happens in firefox.
I think my firefox is broken..


ollipaustTopic starter

hmm with the hold file, the setup in Chrome looks like this

somethings seems wrong..


ollipaustTopic starter

ok i have fixed the setup now, but still doesnt work in my firefox with hold file and without hold file
in chrome it works flawlessly

PHPVibe A.

Ollie, thanks, the missing hold is indeed an severe miss from us.
Do you still need installation? I got an message that you need an install. Let me know!

ollipaustTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Ollie, thanks, the missing hold is indeed an severe miss from us.
Do you still need installation? I got an message that you need an install. Let me know!

hi after i found this i installed it again and it worked fine, but still i have problems with ffmpeg conversion.
at my hoster theres a FAQ-Page and there i found the ffmpeg path:/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg

i pasted this path into the admin config for ffmpeg and cron, but the .avi video i uploaded isnt converting, it has just a thumbnail but not even showing, cause phpvibe recognize the thumbnail as a video and wants to
play it in the player.

PHPVibe A.

What's your ffmpeg version?
Did you try to debug it via the tester? What did it output? http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/

ollipaustTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
What's your ffmpeg version?
Did you try to debug it via the tester? What did it output? http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/

File to convert: test.avi
Converted file: test.mp4
Command send to server: ffmpeg -i test.avi -vcodec libx264 -s 640x360 -threads 4 -movflags faststart test.mp4
FFmpeg output
array(0) {

but there's no .mp4 file

PHPVibe A.

ollipaustTopic starter

i did what u said and the 3rd code works for me... i can find the converted .mp4 file now in media, but it wont play on the page...

could you please check? http://test.lolwatchers.com/video/1/test-avi/

PHPVibe A.

Can you uncheck under "Player" the hide path with php, so we can have better begugging?

ollipaustTopic starter

okay done
i checked the source code and theres actually this path
http://test.lolwatchers.com/media/5cb7efc1403b602e8426105bf49be081.mp4 and when I open it in the browser the video works fine but it wont play on the player

PHPVibe A.

Wait a second.

Just saw:
the 3rd code works for me

You refer to:

Simplest command possible (debugging only):

$output ="{ffmpeg-cmd} -y -i {input} {output}.mp4 2<&1"";


I don't believe that way of encoding is compatible with an html5 player, it's just debugging purpose.

You need to encode with libx264 to get an mp4 ready for html5 playing (at least!)

What's your ffmpeg version?

ollipaustTopic starter

oh god... asked my hoster and he said its FFmpeg version 0.6.5
I am asking now if theres any chance to upgrade it <,<

PHPVibe A.

I honestly do not understand why so many hosting companies still keep the 0.6 which is from 2006-2007 and does not allow faststart and modern encoding.  >:(

ollipaustTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I honestly do not understand why so many hosting companies still keep the 0.6 which is from 2006-2007 and does not allow faststart and modern encoding.  >:(

alex u said you use leaseweb as hoster... could u tell me which paket would be enough for a phpvibe site?
i think i have to switch providers since they are so outdated that i cannot use phpvibe <,<

i dont have any experience with vps or so and when I see it only has 40GB Diskapce and 500GB Traffic,
I think the site will be full in no time?

what do u think?

PHPVibe A.

I have no experience in VPS either, we only have dedicated servers. Before I was using an friend's dedicated server so...never tried VPS.
But I guess the only difference should be the smaller resources.

There a discussion here http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/discussions-205/guys-do-you-suggest-any-hosting-company/

If it has cpanel then is easy to setup for PHPVibe, just using the apaches software upgrade in the WHM you can check and add all the modules needed, make sure you leave out mod_security (it's very hard to configure to work fine).
Then install FFMPEG https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide
I recall at some point I had an trouble with the temp folder on one server, but I've found an solution on google fast.

ollipaustTopic starter

wow ... dedicated server is so damn expensive ._. cant afford that
oh man i think i have to give my idea up..

thanks anyways

PHPVibe A.

The fact that I haven't used an vps discouraged you? :) If you see that thread and around many use vps.

ollipaustTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
The fact that I haven't used an vps discouraged you? :) If you see that thread and around many use vps.

yea kinda, because I am not sure if a vps would been enough since nobody can give me professional advise.
and its already my 2nd time i have problems with my hosting and I would like to spare myself from more frustration & money throwing...

maybe I should just give it a last try with a vps, since my idea for the website is realy unique, promising and has potential

PHPVibe A.

What's it to loose? 7 more euro and a few nervers? :)

ollipaustTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
What's it to loose? 7 more euro and a few nervers? :)

no its also my domain im afraid i have to wait months again to move with the domain...

is there no other way to use the ffmpeg version i have?? :(


ollipaust all depends where you live, if you in one of the countries where you can buy ovh kimsufi it is very cheap starting 10€/month :P

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: ollipaust on
no its also my domain im afraid i have to wait months again to move with the domain...

is there no other way to use the ffmpeg version i have?? :(

Wait months? For what? A domain transfer takes an hour. Change nameservers and you are done.
Why months?

You can use your ffmpeg version, but you need to change the ffmpeg command to something that works on an older one, however, I doubt the videos will fast start (for example).


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