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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Feed error

Started by x5000x,

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x5000xTopic starter

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /public_html/feed.php on line 18
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/feed.php:18) in /public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231

PHPVibe A.

I can't help with this limited info.

x5000xTopic starter


That is the error i get in log files.

PHPVibe A.

Show me your url again, I'll have an look tomorrow.
The error basically says it doesn't get any videos.


Were you guys able to fix this issue? I am facing same issue on PhpVibe 3.6.

[22-Apr-2014 19:12:02 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[22-Apr-2014 19:12:02 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[23-Apr-2014 04:40:56 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[23-Apr-2014 04:54:58 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[23-Apr-2014 05:04:57 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[23-Apr-2014 06:20:45 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/saleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18

<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL); 
//Vital file include
require_once( INC.'/rss.class.php' );

//Initialize RSS:
	$rss = new FeedRSS(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), site_url().'feed/', _html(seo_desc()), current_lang(), _html(get_option('site-copyright')), '', '', '', '', '');
	if(get_option('site-logo')) {
	$rss->AddImage(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), thumb_fix(get_option('site-logo')), site_url().'feed/', '145', '45', get_option('site-logo-text'));
$options = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";
if(_get("m") && (intval(_get("m")) > 0)) {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media ='".intval(_get("m"))."' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
} else {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0  ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
$videos = $db->get_results($vq);
foreach ($videos as $video) {
if(!empty($video->title)) {
$rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));
//Publish RSS:


 if ($videos) {
   foreach ($videos as $video) {

Quote<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);
//Vital file include
require_once( INC.'/rss.class.php' );

//Initialize RSS:
   $rss = new FeedRSS(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), site_url().'feed/', _html(seo_desc()), current_lang(), _html(get_option('site-copyright')), '', '', '', '', '');
   if(get_option('site-logo')) {
   $rss->AddImage(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), thumb_fix(get_option('site-logo')), site_url().'feed/', '145', '45', get_option('site-logo-text'));
$options = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";
if(_get("m") && (intval(_get("m")) > 0)) {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media ='".intval(_get("m"))."' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
} else {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0  ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
$videos = $db->get_results($vq);
if ($videos) {
foreach ($videos as $video) {
if(!empty($video->title)) {
$rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));
//Publish RSS:


Quote<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);
//Vital file include
require_once( INC.'/rss.class.php' );

//Initialize RSS:
   $rss = new FeedRSS(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), site_url().'feed/', _html(seo_desc()), current_lang(), _html(get_option('site-copyright')), '', '', '', '', '');
   if(get_option('site-logo')) {
   $rss->AddImage(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), thumb_fix(get_option('site-logo')), site_url().'feed/', '145', '45', get_option('site-logo-text'));
if (_get("m") && (intval(_get("m")) > 0)) {
$options = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";

$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media ='".intval(_get("m"))."' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();

$videos = $db->get_results($vq);
if ($videos) {
   foreach ($videos as $video) {
         if(!empty($video->title)) {
             $rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));
} else {
$optionsv = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";
$vq = "select ".$optionsv.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0  ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
      $videosv = $db->get_results($vq);
if ($videosv) {
   foreach ($videosv as $video) {
         if(!empty($video->title)) {
             $rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));


//Publish RSS:

PHPVibe A.

I assume they have videos MacKen, what I need to know is if they are new installs or upgrades, so I can think what the issue might be.


What about mine? Mine is New fresh install of 3.6.

I have only manually restored vibe_videos and vibe_users tables in to the newly installed version.

PHPVibe A.

Did you do an database check and optimize after?


Yes I did that and got OK results for both of those imported tables.


This feed.php line 18 error still happening on my side it is not very often but I see it often in error_log.


Can anyone help me? I am getting this error on new fresh install also:

[30-Apr-2014 18:53:45 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/caleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[30-Apr-2014 18:54:13 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/caleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[01-May-2014 08:59:22 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/caleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18
[01-May-2014 08:59:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/caleel/public_html/feed.php on line 18

<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL); 
//Vital file include
require_once( INC.'/rss.class.php' );

//Initialize RSS:
	$rss = new FeedRSS(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), site_url().'feed/', _html(seo_desc()), current_lang(), _html(get_option('site-copyright')), '', '', '', '', '');
	if(get_option('site-logo')) {
	$rss->AddImage(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), thumb_fix(get_option('site-logo')), site_url().'feed/', '145', '45', get_option('site-logo-text'));
$options = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";
if(_get("m") && (intval(_get("m")) > 0)) {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media ='".intval(_get("m"))."' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
} else {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0  ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
$videos = $db->get_results($vq);
foreach ($videos as $video) {
if(!empty($video->title)) {
$rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));
//Publish RSS:

x5000xTopic starter

Use this code and will eliminate that problem:

<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL); 
//Vital file include
require_once( INC.'/rss.class.php' );

//Initialize RSS:
	$rss = new FeedRSS(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), site_url().'feed/', _html(seo_desc()), current_lang(), _html(get_option('site-copyright')), '', '', '', '', '');
	if(get_option('site-logo')) {
	$rss->AddImage(_html(get_option('site-logo-text')), thumb_fix(get_option('site-logo')), site_url().'feed/', '145', '45', get_option('site-logo-text'));
$options = DB_PREFIX."videos.*, ".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_name as channel_name ,".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner";
if(_get("m") && (intval(_get("m")) > 0)) {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media ='".intval(_get("m"))."' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
} else {
$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."channels ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category =".DB_PREFIX."channels.cat_id  LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0  ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_limit();
$videos = $db->get_results($vq);
if ($videos) {
foreach ($videos as $video) {
if(!empty($video->title)) {
$rss->AddArticle(_html($video->title), video_url($video->id , $video->title), gmdate(DATE_RSS, strtotime($video->date)), $video->owner, $video->channel_name, channel_url($video->category,$video->channel_name), _cut(_html($video->description),20), _html($video->description));
//Publish RSS:


Thank you, I have modified my code will monitor and see the results.

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