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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] JwPlayer 6 logo not showing up after upgrade from 3.5 to 3.6

Started by x5000x,

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x5000xTopic starter

Hello Alex,

After upgrading from 3.5 to 3.6 my JwPlayer 6 logo is not displaying.
I want to show log either top-left or top-right. Even with default setting bottom-left is now showing.

return  $embed;	
	  public function _jwplayer6 ($file,$thumb, $logo = null, $type=null) {
	  global $video;
	  $embed = '<div id="video-setup" class="full">' . _lang("Loading the player...") . '</div>';
              $embed .= ' <script type="text/javascript">
		jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", title: "' . _html($video->title) . '",  modes: [
        { type: "html5" },
        { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }
    ],  height: ' . $this->height . ',   repeat: "always", autostart: "true", aspectratio: "16:9",  width: "100%"';
if($type) {   $embed .= ', type: "' . strtolower($type) . '" '; }
if($logo && !nullval($logo)) {	  $embed .= ',	logo: {         file: "'.$logo.'",  position: "top-left",  link: "'.site_url().'"    }'; }
              $embed .= '  }); </script>';		  
			  return $embed;

In logs only error code:
PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in public_html/feed.php on line 18
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at public_html/feed.php:18) in public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231
PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in public_html/feed.php on line 18
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at  public_html/feed.php:18) in  public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231
PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  public_html/feed.php on line 18
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at  public_html/feed.php:18) in  public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231
PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  public_html/feed.php on line 18
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at  public_html/feed.php:18) in  public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231

Any suggestions?

x5000xTopic starter

Also login with Twitter is not working in 3.6:

Error code:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'EpiOAuthUnauthorizedException' in /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php:432 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php(404): EpiOAuthException::raise(Object(EpiCurlManager), false) #1 /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php(45): EpiOAuthResponse->__get('oauth_token') #2 /public_html/index.php(27): EpiOAuth->getAuthenticateUrl(NULL, Array) #3 {main} thrown in /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php on line 432

Secret and API keys are correct checked multiple time it auths me on twitter test page with my account.

PHPVibe A.

You're sure you didn't left the twitter files from 3.5?

The player logo depends on the player's key, which was an demo one, maybe they have closed it? I will check.

x5000xTopic starter


Uploaded again whole folder from 3.6 and is not working.
I did not mess with the key of the player not sure what is going on. Logo worked fine on 3.5.

PHPVibe A.

x5000xTopic starter


Logo is there, i even tried removed logo and added it again still does not work. I noticed when i play video then hit refreash button on browser then logo comes up before page reloads once it reloads there is no logo again.

x5000xTopic starter

It has to be something in class.providers.php
When I upload one from 3.5 it shows no problem.

x5000xTopic starter

Also I set aspect ratio to be 16:9 that is not working either. On 3.5 used to work like a charm.

    ]return  $embed;	
	  public function _jwplayer6 ($file,$thumb, $logo = null, $type=null) {
	  global $video;
	  $embed = '<div id="video-setup" class="full">' . _lang("Loading the player...") . '</div>';
              $embed .= ' <script type="text/javascript">
		jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", title: "' . _html($video->title) . '",  modes: [
        { type: "html5" },
        { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }
    ],  height: ' . $this->height . ',   repeat: "always", aspectratio: "16:9",  autostart: "true", width: "100%"';
if($type) {   $embed .= ', type: "' . strtolower($type) . '" '; }
if($logo && !nullval($logo)) {	  $embed .= ',	logo: {         file: "'.$logo.'",  position: "top-left",  link: "'.site_url().'"    }'; }
              $embed .= '  }); </script>';		  
			  return $embed;

x5000xTopic starter


With this code from 3.5 logo works and aspect ratio works:

public function _jwplayer6 ($file,$thumb, $logo = null, $type=null) {
	  global $video;
	  $embed = '<div id="video-setup" class="full">' . _lang("Loading the player...") . '</div>';
              $embed .= ' <script type="text/javascript">
		jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ primary :"flash",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", title: "' . _html($video->title) . '",  modes: [
        { type: "html5" },
        { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }
    ],  height: ' . $this->height . ',   repeat: "always", autostart: "true", aspectratio: "16:9",  width: "100%"';
if($type) {   $embed .= ', type: "' . strtolower($type) . '" '; }
if($logo && !nullval($logo)) {	  $embed .= ',	logo: {         file: "'.$logo.'",  position: "top-left",  link: "'.site_url().'"    }'; }
              $embed .= '  }); </script>';
			  return $embed;

Please check post above this one is the code i have right now that is not working and see if i have something wrong in there.

PHPVibe A.

The only difference in the code (tested it with a compare tools also) is the primary module (flash/html5) which does not affect the logo.

x5000xTopic starter


Any suggestion why login with the twitter is not working in 3.6?


PHPVibe A.

x5000xTopic starter

This is the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'EpiOAuthUnauthorizedException' in /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php:432 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php(404): EpiOAuthException::raise(Object(EpiCurlManager), false) #1 /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php(45): EpiOAuthResponse->__get('oauth_token') #2 /public_html/index.php(27): EpiOAuth->getAuthenticateUrl(NULL, Array) #3 {main} thrown in /public_html/lib/twitter/EpiOAuth.php on line 432

PHPVibe A.

Maybe they changed something again  :-\
We've just patched it and I see it isn't working right now for us either  :(

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