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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] [HOW TO] Debugging PHPVibe

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter


Here is how you should get some debugging from PHPVibe.

Open index.php (in root).

At the beginning replace:
<?php  error_reporting(0);


<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL); 
// Degugging?
$sttime = microtime(true);

at the end:

//end sitewide


//end sitewide
if(is_admin()) {
echo "Time Elapsed: ".(microtime(true) - $sttime)."s <br />";
echo "Database debug";
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '----------------';
echo "Cache database debug";
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Note: This will only show up to the admins.
Warning: You should not leave it on error reporting for long to avoid printing paths to users in eventual notices.

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Don't forget that some host have PHP debug still turned off, so you might also need to add:
ini_set('display_errors', True);

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: TheBritain on
Don't forget that some host have PHP debug still turned off, so you might also need to add:
ini_set('display_errors', True);

Indeed. But on most cases, the


will work alone.


I was going insane, because I was intentionally writing bad code, and it wasn't throwing an error. I figured it might save someone less patient from hair pulling.

PHPVibe A.


ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Query [17] -- [SELECT count(*) as nr FROM  xomtube_langs WHERE `term` = 'If you don\'t have an account yet, you can']
Query Result..
(row)   int 1
1   1
----------------Cache database debug
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Results retrieved from disk cache
Query [3] -- [SELECT `lang_code`, `lang_name` FROM xomtube_languages LIMIT 0,100]
Query Result..
(row)   string 6
lang_code   string 18
1   en   English
2   as-1-1   অসমীয়া
Web Development Services

PHPVibe A.

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