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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Uploads greater than 100MB not working

Started by imranw,

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imranwTopic starter


I am running in to an issue where files greater than 100 MB are not uploading. The error message I get is "Bad Response: 0 Upload Failed."

I have already tested with php size limits by changing the following and still no luck.

upload_max_filesize = 2G
post_max_size = 2G
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = Off

Any idea what else I can check?

imranwTopic starter

I have already checked with my hosting company and they have confirmed they do not have any upload restrictions in place.

Marius P.

Hi, I can upload 10-15 gb trough the PHPVibe uploader with no problem.
What's your server running? If is FastCGI that may be the problem, usually that mode restricts uploads.

Check this http://www.phpvibe.com/server-settings-for-large-file-uploads/
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imranwTopic starter

Hi Mario....not sure what the issue was but I rebuild the server and reinstalled phpvibe and everything is working now. Thanks

imranwTopic starter

Did another round of testing and the issue appears to be with videoswiper script. Every time I run it - it screws server configuration and files larger than 100MB don't upload.

I am opening a ticket with them to further troubleshoot the issue.

imranwTopic starter

Ignore my last update...most likely issue is not video swiper but instead by DNS provider - a CDN..thnx

Marius P.

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