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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How To Bulk Upload Videos

Started by ZolaHost,

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ZolaHostTopic starter

Hello Friends,

Today i have bought this script. Its working awesome. I want to enable Bulk video upload for uploading upto 10 videos at a time. Please help me to enable bulk video upload.

Thanks in Advance...!

Marius P.

at the moment there is no such feature in PHPVibe, the next version (4.0, work in progress) has an ftp bulk importer and bulk uploader in the admin panel.
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ZolaHostTopic starter

Could you please give me the codes, if you have done the bulk upload?

Marius P.

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wow mario that's cool 4.0 will have it. Is it only for admin ???
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ZolaHostTopic starter


I can upload bulk videos in Front end. I have changed the maximum file limit 1 to 5. But its show the title and other informations for first file only. everuthing will fine If its show the Title & Other Information for all files uploading at same time.

Marius P.

Yes, it's only for the admin, why would you want to clean hundreds of video without title from others?
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Marius P.

@ZolaHost I understand perfectly the limitations, I know the uploads can process unlimited files, and I know that the data can only be processed 1 video at the time, I've built it.
There is no quick code to make this.
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ZolaHostTopic starter


I have seen the alert about the 4.0 update will be come on This December or January. I need admin side bulk upload urgently because i have bought this script for my customer. He need Bulk upload feature immediately. Please give me the script if its ready to use. I have tried lots methods with javascript, my all attempts are faild  :( . Please help me.

Marius P.

I don't see the way to do it through javascript.
If you want a fast solution: use the upload to store videos in /media/bulk (make this writable) and then glob() the folder on a page in admin and for every video provide an copy of the submit form (make sure you move the video to /media once processed).
At least this is how I plan to do it, but it's purely theoretical, it should work, right now we're stuck working on the new plugins system.
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ZolaHostTopic starter


Could you please tell me procedure you have used for uploading the videos. We will follow that procedure and try to apply for bulk upload through PHP.

Marius P.

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ZolaHostTopic starter

I have  tried to upload the videos with various sizes, i got following error while uploading the videos with more than 120 MB. Your default single upload also got this same error.

ERROR: 413 Request Entity Too Large.

Please help me to upload the video size up to 500MB

ZolaHostTopic starter

I have found this error was generated by the Nginx. I have disabled the Nginx and the problem has solved.

Marius P.

Quote from: ZolaHost on
I have found this error was generated by the Nginx. I have disabled the Nginx and the problem has solved.

I'm sure Nginx has an config for file size, searching the forum -> http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/nginx-config/msg14605/#msg14605
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ZolaHostTopic starter


I got another problem. My login session have expired quickly. I want stay logged in untill i click logout. Please give me the solution.

Marius P.

Quote from: ZolaHost on

I got another problem. My login session have expired quickly. I want stay logged in untill i click logout. Please give me the solution.

The script should set a cookie which last at least a day. Check your browser's cookie settings or server session/cookies?
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Hello can i upload 5 video at one time if this possible how? and which folder i need to modify please reply me is urgent Thanks.

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