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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Missing support, just a bit of patience!

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

For those who know me : Hi!
For those who don't: Hi, I'm Alexander, a former MediaVibe/PHPVibe coder.

I see everybody is impatient for the release of the next PHPVibe, and as a friend of Mario I need to tell you a few things:

1. The CMS will come as soon as fast as it's fully usable, I expect it by the end of the week (since support is offline, I assume they are pushing like crazy on the release)

2. Be patient, there is nothing we can do, as I know Mario there is nothing they can do more. What we can do, as simple clients, is keep things cool, since creating panic, threats (I've worked on support, I know how many around here are) will just irritate and reduce productivity.

3. They took an high risk with changing something as important as the router dispatcher, which as simple as it was it did the job just fine for so many. I can imagine hundreds of ways this will go wrong, and also many many maaany edits needed to stabilize this change. BUT, the end result is that you guys will have a major dream for many: proper customized url structures!

I have a tip that Mario may feel sick but still working since the coding team has slacked while he was away.
For now, I can't confirm this, his phone is closed (probably because he doesn't want any distraction), on his Fb his girl (weird couple, my gf doesn't have my pass) told me he was at the doctor two days ago.

And Mario, when you get back : get better coders bro, this are as fast as my grandma!  >:D


i am not very tech savvy but from what i understand. router and dispatchers are 2 types of handling URLs correct ? so this means the new version going to have a new way of writing URLs ?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: marketania on
i am not very tech savvy but from what i understand. router and dispatchers are 2 types of handling URLs correct ? so this means the new version going to have a new way of writing URLs ?

Yes, it will route by regex.

So if you want /5400/ or /mario-dancing/54000/ as video url instead of /video/5400/mario-dancing, you can now have it.

I see Dragos is posting some stuff on Facebook:


I assume Mario is back. Here is the explanation Dragos (he's PR) gives:

QuoteOn behalf of my colleagues from PHPVibe I apologize for delays in the release and support, there have been some legal issues which have led to this situation.

The PHPVibe 4.0 is almost rebuilt from scratch in the past week (the previous code could not be used anymore) and it will soon be ready for beta-testing, our development is patching the last issues of the alpha version.

Thank you very much for your patience and once again we apologize for the series of unexpected and very unfortunate events which have hold us till now to satisfy your needs!

I assume "previous code" means the code in December-January before he fired "what's his name" son of bitch "price of coding".

I saw this problems coming a mile away, since Mario split the project from the initial company http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/discussions/phpvibe-splitting-from-mediavibe/msg21747/#msg21747 but if he hadn't, PHPVibe would be now history under his ex-associate (but that guy was really good at legal stuff).



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
Yeah, i just saw those photos. Finally, carousel blocks... As i suggested. I almost thought they're dead. Finally they are back

I've talked with Mario last night a bit on the phone, he's over the limit with stress and problems. I have now a copy of 4.0, it's still missing some stuff, but I've promised I'll test it and give him feedback asap. It's looking good (even if design has very few changes), specially that full cache thing is smarter than I've expected.


Quote from: Alexander on
I've talked with Mario last night a bit on the phone, he's over the limit with stress and problems. I have now a copy of 4.0, it's still missing some stuff, but I've promised I'll test it and give him feedback asap. It's looking good (even if design has very few changes), specially that full cache thing is smarter than I've expected.

Alexander, i really need your help then. Can you please send me screenshots of home page, members page, All channels page, Profile page, video page and blog, article page. I really need that. To prepare my website's design for the new update. There's no information about components of pages in coming soon topic. I need those, please. You are the only one to help me with that. I have to open my website, since phpVibe has some difficulties with the launch, i got to build my theme with this. Thanks for attention!


Quote from: Alexander on
I've talked with Mario last night a bit on the phone, he's over the limit with stress and problems. I have now a copy of 4.0, it's still missing some stuff, but I've promised I'll test it and give him feedback asap. It's looking good (even if design has very few changes), specially that full cache thing is smarter than I've expected.

cant wait to see the demo of it  :cool:


Quote from: Alexander on
I've talked with Mario last night a bit on the phone, he's over the limit with stress and problems. I have now a copy of 4.0, it's still missing some stuff, but I've promised I'll test it and give him feedback asap. It's looking good (even if design has very few changes), specially that full cache thing is smarter than I've expected.

is it based on UltimaTube ?

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