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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: chunkyvn on
I'm having this error

Are you guys upgrading? Can you please explain, I have no such error on any test and the 'private' field is fine in the database.


i will add the last patch in a few and let you know

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
For the video Encoding:
What does it do? Does it keep the orginal video and makes a second version of it? (like if u want to use a main version and a mobile version?
Or does it encode the uploaded video completely and the original is removed?

I didn't add that, just added an ffmpeg command editor.


error from video edit gone but changes not save i try to add some views and do not keep the new value ,
preroll ads when you add one value to the timer either start or stop the other takes the same value and i see the timer is not working when you watch the video (jwplayer) if you find a fix alex at least for the video edit it will be fine for me the new vibe is a joy really like it

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

You need to give me your errors from the log to realise what's going on.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Btw, do you clear cache? Cause if you don't, the value won't change outside the admin panel before cache expires.


Hi! Found a bag:

When you make the video users only it turns it to everybody automatically and as a result it doesn't display the "you must login" message. Fix that! @Alexander


Alexander, I appreciate all of the work you have put into polishing up this product for its final release, but it's a little concerning that I keep posting questions and suggestions here which seem to casually get ignored. Is there a problem with what I have reported so far or have I missed something I should know?

Here are the posts:
Quote from: Hersh on
I keep forgetting to mention, you should probably update the facebook comments code to make it responsive. The CSS hack doesn't really work.

Anyway, in case other uses want to know, here is what you should do:

in /lib/comments.php

On line 7, find:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>						
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';

Replace with:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';

Quote from: Hersh on
By the way, Can you tell me what directive to use to disable caching in plugins without affecting the rest of the page? It's causing for my dynamic youtube video import plugin which relies on making ajax calls.


Quote from: Hersh on

...There is also another bug I forgot to report, which is how the Maintenance Mode is implemented. If you turn on maintenance mode but log out of the admin console, you are not able to log back in. I created a custom login template for the maintenance mode page, but I think you should include an admin login so that users do not accidentally lock themselves out.

Quote from: Hersh on

Another bug:

When playlist finishes playing the last video, it redirects to a 404 page.

Quote from: Hersh on
Alexander, one more thing you have yet to patch (aside from the player issue):

Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.

By the way, any chance you will implement a permissions feature for playlists? Just curious in case I decide to do it myself.


Quote from: Hersh on
It's a matter of user privacy. If a user does not want his/her playlist or viewing history disclosed to the public, they shouldn't have to. This is standard practice by all major sites which provide similar services (e.g YouTube). I understand this may seem trivial to you; hell, I don't personally care myself if people can see my playlist, but it's always better to err on the side of giving people Options rather than dictating it for them. Hope you understand. :)


If you do not have time to address any of these or they are not a priority, that is okay, but it would be courteous to say so rather than ignoring them altogether.



alex i confirm when i try to edit video and add more views it not save the new values and at preroll ads when you enter a value in the timer to start or stop the other gets the same value i clean the cache before and after each edit thank you for your work we wait when you can fix this.
also i have 2 errors i am not sure is related but here it is
[06-Apr-2015 18:05:58 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  unlink(/home/site/public_html/cache/full/1428326977_ca268ebe57d9b18d73e5cf087f043f07576d9d44): No such file or directory in /home/site/public_html/lib/fullcache.php on line 75
[06-Apr-2015 18:05:58 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/lib/fullcache.php:75) in /home/site/public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, your errors just say that the php cannot delete the cache files. You should check ownership/permissions.
I've checked edit views on all websites, I can't confirm this error you are having...give server logs, also clear cache..

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

@Hersh I'm sorry, I didn't ignore you, I actually appreciate your contributions but I've been pretty zomby and in a hurry to release before the Easter holidays break, I will patch all that.


that is the errors i have in server logs
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:34 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=edit-video&vid=6962
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:34 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=edit-video&vid=6962
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:16 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=videos
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:16 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=videos
hope this helps

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've patched 3 more files, details: http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/client-debates/phpvibe-4-0-patches/

I can't see to make the playlist redirect to 404 on last video, it simply stops. Can you test again?
For cache disabling, nothing touches cache that up in load.php, maybe only adding an GET or an session to it and wrapping the cache in an if.
Maintenance, I know, will add a login panel to the admin (still some minor changes there to do).



I have trouble saving changes unpublished videos do not save changes

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on

I have trouble saving changes unpublished videos do not save changes

What changes? Can you be more specific? Unpublished videos only have restore and delete. You should clear cache after.


Quote from: Alexander on
What changes? Can you be more specific? Unpublished videos only have restore and delete. You should clear cache after.
edit name or category

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I can't reproduce this problem.  :confused:
Is this a fresh or upgrade? Is it patch 12 at least?
You refer to this right (attached)


Quote from: Alexander on
I can't reproduce this problem.  :confused:
Is this a fresh or upgrade? Is it patch 12 at least?
You refer to this right (attached)
Current subversion is 12 is an upgrade http://imgur.com/jCUWT1j

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
Current subversion is 12 is an upgrade http://imgur.com/jCUWT1j

Why do you have xclub installed? It's stated clearly that is not working with 4.0, is needs upgrading.


Quote from: Alexander on
Why do you have xclub installed? It's stated clearly that is not working with 4.0, is needs upgrading.
was already installed before upgrading

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Not sure why it shows up like that on your resolution, may be some css problem.
What OS, browser and browser version?
It could also be an broken format from that redtube link since it's for the old menu.


Good morning people! After upgrading from 3.6 to 4.0 got 2 errors:

1- I can not edit the home builder Homepage blocks: "/ Moderator / sk = homepage?". I try to change or create a new block and then save does not change.

2 - And Google Adsense ALSO NO appears no player Youtube:

Someone help me? Make Further loved THIS New Version! Congratulations to Phpvibe whole team. Thanks in advance already.


Question 1 resolved! I had sent the 4.0 files before running the sql updater. Now ran the sql before and after I sent the files 4.0 and it worked. I apologize \ o /


Updated correctly, and I have seen that the search lost focus. All research brings irrelevant results, and outside the exact search. Check out the print:

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