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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Site Shut Down

Started by harrygian,

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harrygianTopic starter

Hi ,

Today i had an error and my website goes down for a while and then comes back ! My technican inform me that this is maybe
some file permission related issue.I have attach you the file with error he !! Can you please help me solve this ?

Thanks !!

PHPVibe A.


from what I see there, moderator/cache/ does not have write permissions.

harrygianTopic starter

Okay ! So if this is not so hard so you can you tell me what i haveto do for fixing this ?

PHPVibe A.

You can make moderator/cache/ writeable (chmod 0777)


my website goes down several times in a day.I can go to ftp and other folder and other script installed on site but Phpvibe script is Down and don't show Anythings.And i must Suspend site from Directadmin and  unSuspend to site show.
I make moderator/cache/  and /cache writeable (chmod 0777)
plz Help me.


PHPVibe A.

Hi amir, are you sure you have no restriction on the server?
Do you use ffmpeg?
Does this happen during an upload or ffmpeg conversion?
Do you have mod_security on?
Are you sure it doesn't "go down" only to you"? You tried a proxy or something?


 are you sure you have no restriction on the server? Yes
Do you use ffmpeg? Yes
Does this happen during an upload or ffmpeg conversion? No
Do you have mod_security on? I Don't know!
Are you sure it doesn't "go down" only to you"? You tried a proxy or something? Yes I tryied, My Friend at the other city can't access to site too.

PHPVibe A.

It should to me like a mod_security issue. mod_security should be off to use PHPVibe http://www.phpvibe.com/requirements/


mod_security  is off but site is down, and I must Suspend/unSuspend to show site
please help me
my site Visitors when I  use wordpress is 12000 per day but now is less 3000 IP.
Please help me.
If Possible send to me your yahoo ID or gmail or other chat Messenger or viber ID to Solve This problem.

harrygianTopic starter

Hello Alexander ! Few days now we have this error in our website.This happen almost everyday ! Please if its possible see attachment and let me know how we can fix this !!

PHPVibe A.

@amir I can't tell you what the issue is since we don't have this issue and nobody else reports it, this is an problem in your host, I need logs, details, process monitoring to get an idea of what's going on there.

@harrygian you are one post away from having your account suspended if you keep posting as offtopic.

harrygianTopic starter

This all is comfusing for me .. !! I dont think i did something wrong ! So why my account be suspended ???

harrygianTopic starter

So please tell me about the issue !! Thanks !!

PHPVibe A.

Open your own topic with your subject.

harrygianTopic starter

This is my topic brother !!! I open it and speak for my website which was down and an other guy join the converstation later ! So i will be suspended ? Just show some more respect to me bro !!

PHPVibe A.

Oups, I'm sorry, I haven't slept in 2 days to build this new importer. I'll check your stuff soon (but not today).

harrygianTopic starter

Okay thanks ! Now we can communicate perfect ! I will wait for your calm response !


Please see my error logs when your time free. :(


Hi Alexander.
I install phpvibe nulled Version 4 months ago for test and used for 3 months and worked not bad and down for Several times. so I decided to buy script for Solve site down but site down not Solved.
I have one Question, why! when one of the remote link or local file deleted and Visitors clicked to see video and file not Found, whole site is down. 
please test this and check my logs file.

PHPVibe A.

@amir, your site down problem is somewhere in your server, PHPVibe doesn't do this for anybody else, as you can read yourself around.

PHPVibe A.

The log has some normal notices, nothing problematic and an bad exception in the twitter api, no twitter keys?
I don't see anything else which could give me a clue.
Are you sure is not an host/server performance problem?

harrygianTopic starter

Alexamder do you have any updates about my issue ?? Thanks !

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: harrygian on
Alexamder do you have any updates about my issue ?? Thanks !

Hi! Yes, from your errors I can jump to this conclusion : your mysql server falls down/overload/blocks.

harrygianTopic starter

Hi ! Thanks for your info !! Today i upgrade and the website especially on videos area is very slow !! Before the upgrade wasnt ! About my servers i am using a 32 G RAM deticated server with 3.4 Qhz Pros/or and 2T storage so its hard the website goes down so easy.Can you please drive me how i can solve these ! Thanks !

PHPVibe A.

This depends on what's really happening there, I can't know without details.
What's overloading it? Logs? Consumption logs?
Is your mysql database optimised and checked for crashed tables/problems?

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