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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Add another type of Homeblock

Started by wolftbpg,

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wolftbpgTopic starter

Hello Alexander , could help me with the code of the homepage , which sent her message?
I would like to stay in the picture I sent you .
it appears the most watched video.


wolftbpgTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

If you think the fact that the youtube importer is failing, and needs to be upgraded asap to API v3 is less important than this, here you go:

Place under

<div id="home-content" class="main-holder span12">

this, and modify it as you please
<div id="uvholder">
<div class="box-body">
<?php $options = DB_PREFIX."videos.id,".DB_PREFIX."videos.title,".DB_PREFIX."videos.media,".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id,".DB_PREFIX."videos.thumb,".DB_PREFIX."videos.views,".DB_PREFIX."videos.liked,".DB_PREFIX."videos.duration,".DB_PREFIX."videos.nsfw"; 
$tq= "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views > 0 and pub > 0 ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views DESC ".this_offset(5);
$trending = $db->get_results($tq);
<h3 class="loop-heading"><span><?php echo _lang('Trending'); ?></span></h3>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
if($trending) {
echo '<div class="block video-related profile-theone"><ul>'; 
$first = true;  
foreach ($trending as $video) {
			$title = _html(_cut($video->title, 70));
			$full_title = _html(str_replace("\"", "",$video->title));			
			$url = video_url($video->id , $video->title);
echo '
<li id="video-'.$video->id.'" class="item-post">
<div class="inner">
<div class="thumb">
		<a class="clip-link" data-id="'.$video->id.'" title="'.$full_title.'" href="'.$url.'">
			<span class="clip">
				<img src="'.thumb_fix($video->thumb, true, 410,300).'" alt="'.$full_title.'" /><span class="vertical-align"></span>
          	<span class="overlay"></span>
if($video->duration > 0) { echo '   <span class="timer">'.video_time($video->duration).'</span>'; }
echo '</div>	
<div class="data">
	<span class="title"><a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$full_title.'">'._html($title).'</a></span>						
	<span class="usermeta">
		'._lang("by").' <a href="'.profile_url($video->user_id, $video->owner).'" title="'.$video->owner.'">'.$video->owner.'</a> <span class="pull-right">'.$video->views.' '._lang('views').'</span>
if($first) {
echo '</ul></div><div class="block video-related profile-trending"><ul>'; 
$first = false;
echo '</ul><div class="clearfix"></div></div>';

<div class="clearfix"></div>

wolftbpgTopic starter

eu gostaria de criar um bloco na home como o da imagem que lhe enviei.

wolftbpgTopic starter


wolftbpgTopic starter


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