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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] 404 error on homepage due to cache (no issues if logged in) 4.18

Started by TigerClaw,

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TigerClawTopic starter

As by the subject. I still didn't manage to find the exact reason of the issue but randomly I get a 404 error for the homepage due to the cache.

I'm sure it is the cache the problem because if the homepage is 404 for visitors:

1) It is not 404 for logged in users
2) It goes away if I refresh the cache

Anybody else has the same problem? Thank you

PHPVibe A.

What I can think off is the index for some server conflict actually returns 404, and then it's cached like this.


I have been getting 404 page  not found on video page its killing me, when I refresh cache it works but then 404 page not found on all or some of my videos, not getting any traffic because of it, I put the cache in seconds today to 360 maybe this will work, I hope so ever since I did patch 18, 19, 20 these problems started.

PHPVibe A.

Ok, remove this from index.php
/* Cache it for visitors */
if (!isset($killcache)) {
$a = (empty($a)) ? preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]+/","-",strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) : "index.php";
if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && !isset($_GET['action']) && (strpos($a,'register') == false) && (strpos($a,'login') == false) && (strpos($a,'moderator') == false) && (strpos($a,'setup') == false)) {
$cInc = str_replace( '\\', '/',  dirname( __FILE__ ) );
require_once( $cInc.'/lib/fullcache.php' );
$token = (isset($_SESSION['phpvibe-language'])) ? $a.$_SESSION['phpvibe-language'] : $a;
/* End cache */

Make sure you pay attention and do not remove more or less from that file.
This way no more cache, so you can see what's going on.

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