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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Signing Up

Started by awsjulio,

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awsjulioTopic starter

When you are signing up and enter a wrong CAPTCHA, you still get a "Thank you for signing up" and a CAPTCHA warning you it didn't match and please try again.

awsjulioTopic starter

I also see that some player thumbnails are missing for JWPlayer. The small thumbnails are there but when you click it, the thumbnail is missing in the player. This is the very latest version I just downloaded btw,.

PHPVibe A.

Hi, show me a page.

Ok, does the user actually registers? I will check this.

awsjulioTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Hi, show me a page.

Ok, does the user actually registers? I will check this.

User does register...

awsjulioTopic starter

problem still happening, just noticed if you sign up and enter the CAPTCHA correctly and hit submit, the forms get emptied and the page refreshes...shouldnt there be a redirect to profile? or a "sign up successful" message? account is created however.

Also, unrelated to this topic, but I'll bring it up again. Youtube imports have small thumbnails on front page but no thumbnails on video when you click it. Im using JWPlayer 6.

Noticed on mobile (iphone5) when you view the single video page, the player is youtube's. However when you click it to play it switches to JWP6 before playing...weird glitch.

PHPVibe A.

I think it's something from jwplayer, but not much we can do there. Except open a bug ticket with them.

For thumb, this happens because the thumb is forced to maxresolution and not all youtube videos are yet with the thumb type generated, see this line in lib/class.providers.php

$img = 'http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/' . $videoId . '/maxresdefault.jpg';

awsjulioTopic starter

Am I missing something? I can't figure out where to change user password anywhere...? Not talking about reseting it through email, but actually change the password.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: awsjulio on
Am I missing something? I can't figure out where to change user password anywhere...? Not talking about reseting it through email, but actually change the password.

It's not very ok placed.

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