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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to ... include video-upload?

Started by Heiby,

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HeibyTopic starter

Ooopppsss - sorry ... I've forgotten to require the functions  :-[

HeibyTopic starter

QuoteAnd 12 points go to ................
the support of phpVibe - especially to you, Alexander.

A very good solution, which is working now!
And a one, than trying to write something own. Because when phpVibe is being upgraded in future, there isn't anything to do anymore  8)

I'm very lucky about this.
Many, many thanks to you.

HeibyTopic starter

Hello Alexander,
the next problem is including the JW-Player.

We bought the actual version of phpVibe, where a licence for the JWPlayer is automatically included.
So we've got the licence to use the JWPlayer also commercially (within the phpVibe-Software).

Now my question:
We use phpVibe on our Website ... do we can download newer JW-versions and integrate it into our Website in a separate folder by our own? ... with the licence of phpVibe included?


HeibyTopic starter

we have a problem with the Upload.

When I upload Videos, it works several times very well - but then suddenly the upload stops and isn't finishing.
When I change the user in my file, it works again.

My question:
Are there any restrictions how many MB or videos a user may upload?
And where can I change this?
I've already searched in the code, but I did't found anything yet.

Thanks in advance.

PHPVibe A.


you can overwrite the lib/players/jwplayer/ with the files from your own pro/ads version, no problem, you can add the key via settings, if you need to alter the embed code for it open lib/class.provider.php, it's commented.

PHPVibe A.

For restrictions, there are none, there is a size restriction in settings for how big the files can be.
Sounds more like a session issue somewhere, can you check it server side? Any firewall, mod_security on server?

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