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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Related Videos not loading

Started by AvuY,

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AvuYTopic starter

my website has been working great and i havnt changed anything recently,
all of a sudden the related videos have stopped to load..  what could be the problem ??
here is the link to the website



Quote from: AvuY on
my website has been working great and i havnt changed anything recently,
all of a sudden the related videos have stopped to load..  what could be the problem ??
here is the link to the website

Please re-upload related.php file (tpl/main/layouts) then, remove the cache.

AvuYTopic starter

Quote from: sikor on
Please re-upload related.php file (tpl/main/layouts) then, remove the cache.

Hey dude,
i did exactly like you said, and i cleaned the cache from the admin area and the browser cache, but the problem remains.
any other ideas ?


Quote from: AvuY on
Hey dude,
i did exactly like you said, and i cleaned the cache from the admin area and the browser cache, but the problem remains.
any other ideas ?
Please check error.log file in your ftp and share it with us.

AvuYTopic starter

Here is the most related error that i guess is the reson behind the problem

[08-Jul-2015 02:13:56 Asia/Amman] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 403 There is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your API key and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your API key configuration if request from this IP or referer should be allowed. : ipRefererBlocked' in /home/website/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459
Stack trace:
#0 /home/website/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(73): Youtube->decodeSingle('{\n "error": {\n ...')
#1 /home/website/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(476): Youtube->getVideoInfo('yhr-ZtsYP70')
#2 /home/website/public_html/lib/class.providers.php(842): Youtube->Single('yhr-ZtsYP70')
#3 /home/website/public_html/lib/class.providers.php(787): Vibe_Providers->get_details()
#4 /home/website/public_html/com/com_share.php(47): Vibe_Providers->get_data()
#5 [internal function]: modify_content_embed('')
#6 /home/website/public_html/lib/functions.plugins.php(142): call_user_func_array('modify_content_...', Array)
#7 /home/website/home/website/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459
[08-Jul-2015 02:43:02 Asia/Amman] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/website/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 754


Could you re-up lib folder?
If problem still continue, I'll check your codes.

AvuYTopic starter

Hi bro,,
i replaced the lib directory.. the problem still remains unfixed.
wht to do next ..
and thanks for ur help <3



AvuYTopic starter

no.. i even dont remember the last time i opend the cpanel to edit a css file only.. never missed with the php files.

is there anything that i need to edit ?


It's not css problem.
I checked your source code and there is no data for related videos.
Send me your video.php file.

AvuYTopic starter

where to send it ??? 

i just doewnloaded a new package of phpvibe,
and replaced all the php files in tbl/main
and nothing happend.. so i dont know if the problem is in that file.


No, if you changed and nothing happend, video.php file is clear.
Sende me your sql file with pm.I'll test it on localhost.

AvuYTopic starter



I tested your sql on localhost.Same problem still continue.
Your problem in MySQL.
I'll work to fix it.

AvuYTopic starter

Quote from: sikor on
I tested your sql on localhost.Same problem still continue.
Your problem in MySQL.
I'll work to fix it.

Thanks dude, you are awesome :D

PHPVibe A.

Did you check your database for errors? Optimised tables? Maybe one it's crashed.

AvuYTopic starter

i tried optimizing the tables, and i checked for errors.. all seems to be perfect.. but the related videos don't load

PHPVibe A.

Try switching them in settings, from one option to another, clear cache after, let's see what happens.

AvuYTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Try switching them in settings, from one option to another, clear cache after, let's see what happens.

in settings i only have one theme "main"
so i cant change it to something else.

PHPVibe A.

No, the related videos setting.

See attachment.

AvuYTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
No, the related videos setting.

See attachment.

omg.. i didnt see this option before ...
it works  :)) :))

i changed it to by category,, and now its working.. so what is the problem ??
cuz i noticed that the search shows 0 results always.

PHPVibe A.

Did you upgrade? Maybe try that upgrade .php file again? Maybe the fulltext is not created.

Quote2. Upload /For Upgrade/sqlupdater.php to your root install of PHPVibe (same main folder as load.php) and open it in browser as yoursite.com/sqlupdater.php


AvuYTopic starter

i did this before and i repeated it now..
to make it clear.. i upgraded directly from 3.3 or 3.4 to version 4. 
so maybe there is something different that i should do.

when running the sqlupdate.. i got this on a blank page.

Homepage table updated...
Comments table updated...
Users table updated...Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...

    ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

    Last Error -- [Duplicate key name 'uid_uni']

    Query [24] -- [alter  table vibe_likes add unique uid_uni (uid, vid)]

    Query Result..

        No Results

AvuYTopic starter

But still if i go back to "By Title"
the related videos would disappear and the search result appear while typing but when clicking on one of the results i get
Sorry but there are no results.

PHPVibe A.

Do you actually have related videos (same tags/titles)?
On the search these are typing suggestions, they come from Youtube.

Show me your link.

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