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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] 404 error

Started by danfix,

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danfixTopic starter


I am getting a 404 error after going to home page.

Its not adding the index.php page.

If i type domain/index.php it works
If i type just the domain name it does not.

What could be causing this?
The .htaccess file code looks ok




Is this the first time you've tried the page post-install? I get 404 errors on my channels. Don't know what's causing it.

Marius P.

Hi, this depends on where you've installed it and how. Did you see the troubleshooting under the tutorial http://www.phpvibe.com/installing-phpvibe/
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danfixTopic starter

I have checked that link.

The think is i have installed other scripts and they load the index.php / Home page.

I have checked httpd file and it does have DirectoryIndex index.php

Does the script have an option to always go to the index.php page.

This script has other problems.

- Slider controls don't show, when video plays
- Player does not show or play videos in firefox
- Does not convert or play other video formats only .mp4
- When ffmpeg is not set as yes, the script uploads the file but is not able to play it. It comes up with (media not found error)

danfixTopic starter

or is there way to add index.php to the logo url?

It does not look professional when users go to my domain and get 404 OPPS PAGE NOT FOUND.

All i want is for the current videos on the site to show on this home page, for every1 visiting my domain


Is the 404 generated within the script framework or in the browser itself?

ie, are other parts of the script working on the homepage -- can you see the logo, links etc.
If yes then might be a dead link somewhere. Make sure the domain is correct in vibe_config.php:

/** Site url (with end slash, ex: http://www.domain.com/ ) **/
define( 'SITE_URL', 'http://www.yourdomain.com/' );


Marius P.

Quote from: danfix on
I have checked that link.

The think is i have installed other scripts and they load the index.php / Home page.

I have checked httpd file and it does have DirectoryIndex index.php

Does the script have an option to always go to the index.php page.

This script has other problems.

- Slider controls don't show, when video plays
- Player does not show or play videos in firefox
- Does not convert or play other video formats only .mp4
- When ffmpeg is not set as yes, the script uploads the file but is not able to play it. It comes up with (media not found error)

I think you have some mixed up things in there.
First, the cms loads without /index.php, something in your server's account config generates this issue, look it up.
You don't tell if the script is installed on root or folder? If it's on a folder, you'll need to add a base path with the folder's name under Settings -> Permalinks
Slider controls - which player? There are several.
Depends on player, Firefox has still issues with html5 players (it's commonly known and discussed on this forum).
We don't build players, all are external products. We only build and sell the php platform.
Yes, mp4 is the format chosen. For other formats it depends, are they web playable? Do they work in html5 players? Cause mp4 is the only one which is the best choice atm.
The last question is bit funny, if you upload an .avi for sure it won't player on web, if you upload and .flv it won't play in a html5 only player (it's flash).
So if not using ffmpeg only web playable sources should remain as accepted.

See for example the jwplayer http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1403635-media-format-reference (but you can find support and documentation on any player, except Chameleon and EVP which are not supported by their devs).
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

danfixTopic starter

As i stated before

If i type domain/index.php it works
If i type just the domain name it does not.
Which means i installed it in the root.

When i press logo link the error 404 shows up.
Same as this post
I am not the only facing this problem

Maybe you need to update the 404.php file and put code in there for it displays the proper home page.
Seems like there is too many bugs in this script.
This is the first script that has the problem with the home page.

In tpl.globals.php, I tried to do this <a href="'.site_url().'index.php" title="" class="logo">'.show_logo().'</a>  add the index.php in the logo url, but that did not work.

Default player set to PHPVibe's Chameleon
Remote Player Chameleon

I ended up disabling the slider.
For a paid script it should not have these problems.

I moved from clipbucket, because of constant video conversion problems and description field urls were not accepted.
All i want is for a script to upload the video files i have without converting them and to play any video ext.

danfixTopic starter

Does any1 have any idea why this page is showing and how it can be fixed?

danfixTopic starter

Visibility of each video has been set to everybody


I have the same problem

somebody help to solve ?



danfixTopic starter

Sweet that sorted it.

I removed

/* Cache it for visitors */
if (!isset($killcache)) {
$a = (empty($a)) ? preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]+/","-",strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) : "index.php";
if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && !isset($_GET['action']) && (strpos($a,'register') == false) && (strpos($a,'login') == false) && (strpos($a,'moderator') == false) && (strpos($a,'setup') == false)) {
$cInc = str_replace( '\\', '/',  dirname( __FILE__ ) );
require_once( $cInc.'/lib/fullcache.php' );
$token = (isset($_SESSION['phpvibe-language'])) ? $a.$_SESSION['phpvibe-language'] : $a;
/* End cache */

from the index.php file

Thanks Janixpl

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