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Understanding the PHPVibe routing/flow

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

PHPVibe diverges from a custom PHP framework or an MVC model, opting instead for an easily navigable file system. The central controller, index.php, serves as the core orchestrator, encompassing subsequent files.

index.php initiates a route, a view, a PHP file situated in the /views folder, named views/{name}.route.php. This view, in turn, invokes a template file located at /themes/{current theme}/{name}.php as its display (template).

Why this approach?

It simplifies the system for easy editing, avoiding the use of a custom PHP framework or MVC model. Notably, no files are overwritten even if mixed within the same folder during coding. This avoids potential conflicts, such as having two files named video.php in different folders—one for components and another for theme output.

Here's a flow example for a single video page:

Utilizes load.php, which consolidates all libraries.
Serving as the final destination for theme output.

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