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Let's hear your voice

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

VibeX, Evolved from PHPVibe, is in it's post-planing stages.
There is still time and room for ideas,but the building process has started.

Please keep your suggestions clean and easy to understand, example:
✅ Creator profiles & content ownership styled more like the NFT marketplace, emphasizing exclusivity and monetization.
✅ Minimalist UI with clean layouts, rounded edges, and smooth animations for a premium experience.
✅ Dark & light mode support for accessibility and modern aesthetics.

Thank you!

Contributing to the VibeX project will probably get you a license for free (200+$ worth).
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Hello eveyone! I always check back on this platform as it is my dream to build a solid video platform. I've never found anything like phpvibe and I've waisted years of work and money trying to find and build something that I can call a real video business. I am very happy to hear that VIBEX is in the making and it sounds really promising for us who have passion on building a digital empire based on our authenticity and our content. I will be sure to check back from time to time to see latest updates. In the meantime, just know that I have remained with thousands of my own videos on hard drives, owing to lack of such CMS as PHPVIBE. My hopes are that you will be super successful with this, so we can rule the world with our content and might I add, do so happily and profitably all while making a positive impact and difference with VIBEX.

Thank You always!
https://mervintimothyreyes.com- My domian is waitng to implement this :-) O:-)  :))  >:D

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