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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] always trouble as "html5: Video not properly encoded"

Started by gogocyber,

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gogocyberTopic starter

Hello Alex
can you please tell me how is going, check this link http://www.productschannel.com/video/6380/-google-h1117/
this file is AVI, we can view on on computer, the file is 4:30 but on admin panel can not see the Duration time, also can not view. and when we play then display "html5: Video not properly encoded"
Please check what is going on

PHPVibe A.

avi files are not web playable formats. For html5 videos players (like flowplayer) you need .mp4 files.

gogocyberTopic starter

This link http://www.productschannel.com/video/6280/-4303/ the file is same but can play,
is the problem from the file conversion, because that the problem just form this few days only, before the same file upload is work...

gogocyberTopic starter

Quote from: gogocyber on
This link http://www.productschannel.com/video/6280/-4303/ the file is same but can play,
is the problem from the file conversion, because that the problem just form this few days only, before the same file upload is work...
Please help us to solve this problem My site is DEAD the upload Video can not play..

PHPVibe A.

Then probably the ffmpeg conversion failed.
did you get somebody to upgrade your ffmpeg? I recall it was very old and did not work with the original phpvibe command.

gogocyberTopic starter

Hello Alex
can you please help us to advice some one can help us to upgrade New version ffmpeg, your selling this script you know some one can help, we loss a lot the time..Please advice some one to me for help,
we believe your script can work, i am User not the Tester, why before can work only this few day can not,
please advice and send email to davy@gogocyber.com

PHPVibe A.

You can ask AlexH http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/profile/AlexH/ he knows more about servers.
We only support the product itself, not hosting.
None of us are hosting experts, just coders.

gogocyberTopic starter

Hello Alex
how about your New version 3.6, is that will be better then 3.5, your people send email tell us that is new release 3.6 , how we go..

gogocyberTopic starter

Quote from: gogocyber on
Hello Alex
how about your New version 3.6, is that will be better then 3.5, your people send email tell us that is new release 3.6 , how we go..
and how about the Play list still same only play one file and replay, never play all video on play list,

PHPVibe A.

The script version is not the problem here, the ffmpeg is. It needs updated and PHPVibe needs to be reverted to the original ffmpeg command.

Playlist is not in my hands, it will depends on the solution they pick to bring it up again.
I'm not coding anymore :( just offering support.

gogocyberTopic starter

Hello Alex
can you please tell me which version ffMpeg is right for us ( with your script) for upgrade,
please advice to us and give us the right version with the link to download,
Many Thanks

PHPVibe A.

gogocyberTopic starter

and how about your New player release, is that will be better for play video with new version ffMPEG

PHPVibe A.

Which one? We haven't released any new player since PHPVibe 3.6, just testing out different ones.
If you ask about Chameleon, it has it's limitations, like any html5 player out there.

gogocyberTopic starter

when we upload the AVI video and completed go to control panel to see is zero size, NO Duration time,
can not play this upload video, before two week is success can play, what is wrong..

PHPVibe A.

gogocyberTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Don't put server data here as anybody can see it and delete your server's content.

gogocyberTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Upgrade the ffmpeg first and I will have a look.
There is no point loosing time now, just fix that ffmpeg and let me know to check and update your setup.

You can find me on phpvibe.com@gmail.com by mail.

gogocyberTopic starter


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