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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Feature Requests

Started by SimpleTwist,

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SimpleTwistTopic starter

  • After Editing A Video - Save AND Close should be an option to go back to the video list
  • On Importing a Video - option to set date to Youtube Video posting date should be an option
  • Ability to set HOMEPAGE Start - example - start with ARTICLES  - or BROWSE VIDEOS as home page
  • Ability to BUILD BLOCKS as TEXT BLOCKS - ARTICLES - PAGES - OR MENU items not just videos images etc.
  • Ability to set a FEATURED video which is large at the top of the HOME page likely would be a BUILD BLOCK option
  • Ability to add social MEDIA links to page for site (Twitter - Facebook - Google - Vine - Youtube Channel Link)
  • Contact US page link

I'm sure there is more this is just my first day with the software.

SimpleTwistTopic starter

More issues...

  • No way to reorder playlist(s)
  • No way to Delete Playlist items

SimpleTwistTopic starter

  • Your "RECENT" setting seems to be using the video ADDED order rather than by date. SOOOO
    • Which brings me back to the original request - need to be able to change the date easier rather than hacking into PHP MY ADMIN to change date... aka add edit DATE on video edit screen

Marius P.

Hi! This one already exists.

Quote from: SimpleTwist on

  • No way to Delete Playlist items
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Marius P.

Thank you for the rest of the suggestions.
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add user and thumbs (avatar user) under title video at video-carousel.php - home.


if you change prefix  ad_  . I can personalize the block for other use.   if user have an AD_block  not see. Its a problem


For the channels. Removing the text limit would be nice. As well as giving the ability to actually separate the descriptions by paragraphs. Instead of 1 long wall of text. Also, noticed channels don't carry out transporting vids from multiple subcategories into the main category. Would appreciate if you fix that or just fix the overall concept of how the channel section is altogether. It's okay, but it could so much better. Thanks.

Marius P.

If you guys don't mind, there is a thread about the next upgrade which would be more visible than this one http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/229/building-phpvibe-5-3/
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