[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] User media editing problem

Started by ASDF,

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ASDFTopic starter

After you login...and then after clicking on My media...it will show you the media and the options to edit it..like, duration, likes, views, unpublish button, view button and the edit button.
But for normal users, it's not showing the edit button, but it can be seen in admin's profile only...like in the pics, and i have not edited anything,

ASDFTopic starter

Also..if i am setting the editing rule from dashboard to...owners can edit, it's not showing, but if i change it to moderator, it's showing the editing option.

ASDFTopic starter

 :)...thank you, it was just misunderstanding the dashboard and some rules, nothing but just got confused this time.

Marius P.

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