[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

As Mario has been sick I've rolled out an experimental version of 4.0 based on what he's given me.
This doesn't have all the features, but it will work just fine for beta testing.
Please report every bug you find.
Please do not ask for missing features. Mario should be back in a few days and roll out a full release. I just want to help him out and satisfy a bit all of the over-excited people.

Download again the pack from here http://get.phpvibe.com/buy?id=22

Installation is the same way as always, I haven't touched the installer.

Use /PHPVibe 4.0 Experimental/Beta Release/

For upgrade, I'm sure some of you won't wait for stable:

Use /PHPVibe 4.0 Experimental/Update/ and overwrite existing files. Note: Backup, you will loose changes and will have to copy & paste them.
Upload sqlupdater.php to your root and access it like www.yoursite.com/sqlupdater.php , if the message shows up, you can delete this file from your server and the database is ready. (May show an error about missing leght on description fullindex on some sql versions).
Chmod cache/full/ to writeable.

You are done.

Demo updated : http://www.videoinedit.com/

Note: If you want searches for less than 3 characters words please setup your server as instructed here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1585611/mysql-full-text-search-for-words-with-three-or-less-letters

You also have 4 standard new positions for ads (like Youtube) on the search page:


Hooks for plugins:













Here is some good documentation on actions http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/07/definitive-guide-wordpress-hooks/ (works for PHPVibe also)

For all of you who have no knowledge, I suggest waiting for Mario's release when he'll get back!

A note on support: I was asked to find suitable freelancers to take of the PHPVibe support, I'm discussing with a few people, soon things will get to normal around here.
Mario won't be a part of support anymore, he got threatened by several people for this release like this was an heart for an heart transplant. He decided to patch my release with the missing features and then pull out 100% outta this project, you guys will be stuck with me as manager and the guys I will find, let's make it shine again!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Please report here all bugs, small chances this is flawless, I haven't checked it 100%.


callback.php error (google registration)
with twitter (errors too)

with facebook (errors too)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Yes, should be


patching uploading.



Thank you!


on videoindedit registration page redirects to homepage


If you think that is a good idea can be made (Ajax browsing i can help with this)  :)
will reduce the server load dramatically and is pretty good for consumers (to not  reload the page every time when you are clicked on a button or a new video

btw the full registration functionality not work

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've patched load.php and index.php (cache issue with login and register with username and pass).

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Let me know what else you guys find, I'll fix it tomorrow since it's far passed midnight for me.
@boxboy as in html5 history? Was thinking to build a plugin for that but I've waited for Mario to build the plugins system.


I mean ajax like a (plugin) Whit out plugin system can be created very easy (and you need to change only from 1 to 0 to stop the ajax functionality)
Here a small code for it (is not PHPVIBE Based)

//This is only example
//If AJAX have a tag "yes" Ajax will work on your website 
if($ajax == 'yes'){

	//If whe have a POST  request and the value AJAX, and $ajax Is not with tag "yes" The ajax will be not work
	if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' AND $ajax != 'yes')
		die('Erorr ');

		$ajaxSpBar = "$('#speedbar').show().html('{$speedbar}')";
		$ajaxSpBar = "$('#speedbar').hide()";

$result_ajax = <<<HTML
<script type="text/javascript">
document.title = '{$metatags['title']}';
document.getElementById('titles').innerHTML = '<h1>{$mobile_speedbar}</h1>';
	echo str_replace('{theme}', '/templates/'.$config['temp'], $result_ajax);


	if($config['gzip'] == 'yes')

Sorry for my english guys i know it only tehnical :)



Imran Murtaza

I login to videoinedit.com but there no option for logout. Can you check it.




After testing almost 10 hours i really dont see any major update comparing to 3.6. Most of the noticeable updates are on the templates wich is not 100% functional. When the sidebar is visible a horizontal scroll bar appears wich is not ok...


Hi Alexander,

I asked Mario to offer another payment method for people that don't have PayPal like 3 months ago, is there anyway you could incorporate stripe payment gateway, 2checkout or something similar for CC processing please. Furthermore I am available for customer support via Elance or another channel if you need employees to man the support desk. I am US based and previous customer support experience includes working at Progressive Auto Insurance in a call center environment. Pay is not an issue, and I am willing to work with whatever you can offer just to be a part of this great PHPVibe team. I am available 40+ hours a week, I can adjust my hours to whatever timezone you need, and would be proud to be associated with the best video script in the world!

You can contact me at:
Email: websonix@gmail.com
Skype: Netlinxglobal
Phone: Eight32-534-2339

Best Regards,


I just donwload new version. I'll test a few days and come back with updates each time found an error / bug.
Demo looks great.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
I can not create Blocks in Home Page

Can you please give details, I've just tested and works fine.
Did you upgrade or did a fresh install?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: TubeJet on
Hi Alexander,

I asked Mario to offer another payment method for people that don't have PayPal like 3 months ago, is there anyway you could incorporate stripe payment gateway, 2checkout or something similar for CC processing please. Furthermore I am available for customer support via Elance or another channel if you need employees to man the support desk. I am US based and previous customer support experience includes working at Progressive Auto Insurance in a call center environment. Pay is not an issue, and I am willing to work with whatever you can offer just to be a part of this great PHPVibe team. I am available 40+ hours a week, I can adjust my hours to whatever timezone you need, and would be proud to be associated with the best video script in the world!

You can contact me at:
Email: websonix@gmail.com
Skype: Netlinxglobal
Phone: Eight32-534-2339

Best Regards,

Hi, it's pretty hard for us to account another system due to a lot of geo-financial limitations.
Is not that Mario didn't wanted.
As for support,thank you but we're looking for php coders, it's hard to give support without knowing php/jquery. I assume you would have mentioned it if it was the case?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
After testing almost 10 hours i really dont see any major update comparing to 3.6. Most of the noticeable updates are on the templates wich is not 100% functional. When the sidebar is visible a horizontal scroll bar appears wich is not ok...

The slimscroll can be made invisible, but this is a thing of preference.
It has videojs, notifications,user dashboard, full cache, design changes, new search algorithm, split design for images page and I'm still looking around the code myself to see more.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter




not work:
- Create a block homepage builder
- Profiles - City can not fill

How do I set as homepage this address?


When will I  find other errors i will post.


Please add a sitemap index native is what I need more ;)




On the video page when the screen resolution is smaller the responsive layout is getting all messed up.


how come twitter still there on the recover page ? http://www.videoinedit.com/login/&do=forgot

also i think you should do a mass email/twitter/facebook to all the existing clients to come and test the new 4.0 and report feedback to some feedback page or bugs page something like https://wordpress.org/plugins/bug-library/screenshots/



I want suggest that sidebar be width:100% in responisive.css for mobile devices and <div class="row-fluid block page side haside" style="position:relative;"> for the footer caus is so ugly also linked categories in video.loop.php
if(isset($heading) && !empty($heading)) { echo '<h3 class="loop-heading"><span>'._html($heading).'</span>'.$st.'</h3>';}
if(isset($heading_meta) && !empty($heading_meta)) { echo $heading_meta;}

Bests Regards


Can you please add other provider lik rtmp ...






so how is this better than what we already have? I am truly losing faith in this project. It seems we must either hire a coder now or switch platforms... :-[

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
Help, I can not create Blocks in Home Page

Can you explain what you did? Is it upgrade or new install? Without details nobody can give you an answer.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
On the video page when the screen resolution is smaller the responsive layout is getting all messed up.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: lowpage on
so how is this better than what we already have? I am truly losing faith in this project. It seems we must either hire a coder now or switch platforms... :-[

Quote from: Alexander on
It has videojs, notifications,user dashboard, full cache, design changes, new search algorithm, split design for images page and I'm still looking around the code myself to see more.

Also, you can now set your custom url format via the admin for videos & profiles.

The main goal of 4.0 is to make it pluggable, meaning people can offer plugins now without having to make you edit your copy.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: peach on
Fullcache folder is not writeable

The message explains it clearly, you need to chmod writable /cache/full/

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: marketania on
how come twitter still there on the recover page ? http://www.videoinedit.com/login/&do=forgot

also i think you should do a mass email/twitter/facebook to all the existing clients to come and test the new 4.0 and report feedback to some feedback page or bugs page something like https://wordpress.org/plugins/bug-library/screenshots/

Hi, thanks for reporting. I've updated com/com_login.php

For now this is not an official release, so can't announce it.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: peach on
Can not create a Homepage

Quote from: Alexander on
Can you explain what you did? Is it upgrade or new install? Without details nobody can give you an answer.

Please read before triple posting.


Quote from: Alexander on
Please read before triple posting.
I'm upgrade to 4.0 , but can not building a homepage



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: peach on
I'm upgrade to 4.0 , but can not building a homepage

Did you run the sqlupgrader?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
how to make categories for the videos?

Same way as before http://www.phpvibe.com/getting-started-with-phpvibe/

Please do not pot in this topic questions which are not strictly related to 4.0

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Added "watched" and removed like button when video is liked from lists", changed search to use the old search for words with less than 3 characters.

Files edited:


Will add tracking to the main button on video page shortly.
Still waiting for Mario to provide the player's changes & messaging (he's back to work since today  ;D but can't spend much time in from of an monitor  :-\)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Patched com/com_login.php to send user to /dashboard/ instead of /me/.


sorry to ask the question, but I can not put the block on the home page, I tried adding categories but its not working either, can you help me please (I installed version 4.0) When I click add block, its not working


Quote from: lowpage on
so how is this better than what we already have? I am truly losing faith in this project. It seems we must either hire a coder now or switch platforms... :-[

Jeez, so many cry babies. I just went through the code and manually updated my script line by line (since I am using my own custom built template and plugins). I saw lots of changes (over 60 files have been modified and nearly 40 new files have been added). These include a new caching system which should dramatically improve performance. A new plugins system and all the necessary hooks for it, VideoJS player, homepage carousel, new dashboard, just to name a few. What more could you ask for?

You guys just like flashy templates, right?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
sorry to ask the question, but I can not put the block on the home page, I tried adding categories but its not working either, can you help me please (I installed version 4.0) When I click add block, its not working

Ravi7, 4.0 is experimental, meaning if you have no ideea how to debug it and provide errors back, DON'T use it, stable will come!
The main point of this is testers to tell us "this doesn't work" but also provide the error from the server.
So, please, since you clearly don't have experience, use it only when stable is announced.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


lib/players/vjs/video.js (removed undefined share link)

(added an js processing function for google analytics for example)

(changed js processing function for google analytics for example)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Jeez, so many cry babies. I just went through the code and manually updated my script line by line (since I am using my own custom built template and plugins). I saw lots of changes (over 60 files have been modified and nearly 40 new files have been added). These include a new caching system which should dramatically improve performance. A new plugins system and all the necessary hooks for it, VideoJS player, homepage carousel, new dashboard, just to name a few. What more could you ask for?

You guys just like flashy templates, right?

Thank you so much, Hersh!


Btw, Alexander,

There is a bug in /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="choosen-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="5" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 5 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="4" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 4 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Chameleon</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="1" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 1 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>JwPlayer</i></label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>FlowPlayer HTML5</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>jPlayer</label>
	<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Which player should be loaded for mobile supported files (.mp4, .mp3, etc)? JwPlayer is loaded for the rest.</span>
	<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-youtube"></i>Youtube videos</label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Use JwPlayer</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="0" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 0 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Youtube's Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>

The (get_option('choosen-player') calls for VideoJS should be replaced with 'remote-player' and 'youtube-player', respectively. The radio button name="choosen-player" should also be changed to name="remote-player".

Another problem is, even after making these changes, if you select VideoJS as the default player for YouTube videos, it does not work. And if you select it for local videos deploys jPlayer instead of VideoJS.



also when uploading a video when you set video duration manually the values doesnt save.


also on upload page the fields are messed up. See the Tags field

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
also on upload page the fields are messed up. See the Tags field

Make a printscreen pls :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Btw, Alexander,

There is a bug in /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="choosen-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="5" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 5 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="4" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 4 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Chameleon</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="1" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 1 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>JwPlayer</i></label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>FlowPlayer HTML5</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>jPlayer</label>
	<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Which player should be loaded for mobile supported files (.mp4, .mp3, etc)? JwPlayer is loaded for the rest.</span>
	<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-youtube"></i>Youtube videos</label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Use JwPlayer</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="0" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 0 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Youtube's Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>

The (get_option('choosen-player') calls for VideoJS should be replaced with 'remote-player' and 'youtube-player', respectively. The radio button name="choosen-player" should also be changed to name="remote-player".

Another problem is, even after making these changes, if you select VideoJS as the default player for YouTube videos, it does not work. And if you select it for local videos deploys jPlayer instead of VideoJS.

You are right! It should be removed from Youtube, since the plugin Video.JS Youtube no longer works.
Will patch it shortly. Mario will have a second look at all the players, would be important to at least manage to make Youtube redirect to next video in playlist since many use Youtube videos.


For local videos, are you sure? Video.Js in our build uses the same skin as jplayer (difference is font-icons used).




I want to suggest a new function

customizable menu editor to add external links

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Tag field messed up

What browser  :eek: it looks fine for me on all browsers...so need exact browser and version please.




   #Fixing Report:

1) Home Page loads so slow. It's like it builds itself. It builds itself in 6 seconds. First adds the footer on 4th second, and adds homepage blocks on 6th second. So far it gets on my nerves.

2) Carousel blocks arrows are not even visible. I can't even notice that this is a carousel block.

3) When the content width is less than 1331 pixels there are big spaces that is not cool. Screenshot:


4) And also there are big spaces under the player in my screen's default width. And my screen's default width is 1264px. Screenshoot:


5) In mobile devices (and also with devices with touch sensor) if you open the sidebar and scroll around the sidebar disappears and it leaves the space behind it:


6) In profile editing page the forms are messed up. Screenshot:


That's all for now!




I forgot one. Overlay ads appear twice a video. So if you close the first you have to close the second one to get rid of the ads. The first ad covers the second ad and the other ad is 2 or 3 pixels on the left from the first one. Hope i explained it well. Screenshot:



in version 4.0 not added the plugins and the multiupload for videos?




Quote from: YehudaBitton on

Add this to your css file.

@media only screen and (min-width: 550px) {
 .body-video #wrapper.haside {
  padding-left: 220px !important;
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 1%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 550px) {
 .body-video #wrapper.haside {
  padding-left: 0px !important;


Alex welcome back home :)

When you browse Channels then Music Channels, subcategories only one is visible even if you have 10 or 1 just one shows up. Could you please check that.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: x5000x on
Alex welcome back home :)

When you browse Channels then Music Channels, subcategories only one is visible even if you have 10 or 1 just one shows up. Could you please check that.

Thanks! Sure, will check and fix!

You won't see me much, I'm coming back as coder, just now until we find freelance help for support.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
chrome and FF both latest versions

I really can't reproduce this...make sure is not an cache issue.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tommy101 on
New install can't create homepage block.

Try running this in sql

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_homepage` ADD  `car` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

will update the sql file shortly.


In categories page if the category has subcategories it displays a carousel. And Only one subcategory is displaying in the carousel. Screenshot:



Hello Guys... ;) ;) ;)

I installed in a clean subdomain without problems, at the moment found an erro of design in users profile - website interface.

I attached the image of error design for appreciation.

Thanks... :) :) :)
Samuel Souza




Alex, Also when you search there is empty box on right side not sure what was purpose of that. See attached picture.

Also when you want to filter search results, when you click on text got no effect but when click on arrow than it works.


Hello guys ! I attach some screenshoots about the design ! Please give a look !


I attach some more screenshoots about the design ! Please give a look !


Is there an option in the admin dashboard to bulk upload images? its very tedious to upload and name images one by one. A bulk upload will help us to quickly add and edit images. Also can the related images be random? so that our viewers get a different listing of images each time they click on an image.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
any new patches will be available today?

Yes, I'm checking now what was reported since last night.


To be honest with you, I hate the implementation of VideoJS. It lacks all the essential plugins and the right click menu floats way far off to the right. I don't know why it was necessary to try to make it look like jPlayer.

I would like to switch it to its default appearance and functionality. I would appreciate it if you could direct me in that direction.

Also, the script is now adding line breaks in the middle of my google adsense ad code and my analytics code.

Thanks. :)



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
To be honest with you, I hate the implementation of VideoJS. It lacks all the essential plugins and the right click menu floats way far off to the right. I don't know why it was necessary to try to make it look like jPlayer.

I would like to switch it to its default appearance and functionality. I would appreciate it if you could direct me in that direction.

Also, the script is now adding line breaks in the middle of my google adsense ad code and my analytics code.

Thanks. :)

Simply replace the video.js folder (css file and js) in lib/players

I'm sure I've patched that.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Hi Alexander any new updates coming up today?

Holding them for now, Mario is checking, will get approval and roll out some bigger patch, he said to stop committing every individual patch and make one at end of the day.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
In categories page if the category has subcategories it displays a carousel. And Only one subcategory is displaying in the carousel. Screenshot:


Fixed, removed the old slider and added the new one.
Patch will commit a bit later.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
also when uploading a video when you set video duration manually the values doesnt save.

Thank you! Found the issues in com/com_add.php, fixed, will be patched with all the rest.




Alex we are still waiting for the patches. Dont let us hang please.


^^It's barely been a day. Give them some time. You should not be using this release on a production environment anyway, so I don't see why you should be so impatient.

Alexander, you should check your latest modification to how the copyright footer filter is called. It appears to break pages during load. I switched mine back to
'.apply_filters('tfc', get_option('site-copyright')).'


Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
Hey, found a little bug. Screen:

That's a styling setting, not a bug. Just modify your css.


Another bug (breaks ads):

in functions.php

function _ad($type, $spot= null) {
global $cachedb;
if($type == 1) {
//* Check first if jPlayer is loaded *//
if( !defined( 'jplayerloaded' ) ) {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content,ad_pos from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '1' ORDER BY rand()");
return '
<div class="floating-video-ad adx '.$ad->ad_pos.'">'._html($ad->ad_content).'<span class=" close-ad"></span></div>
} else {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '0' and ad_spot='".$spot."' ORDER BY rand()");
return '<div class="static-ad">'._html($ad->ad_content).'</div>';

Should be replaced with:

function _ad($type, $spot= null) {
global $cachedb;
if($type == 1) {
//* Check first if jPlayer is loaded *//
if( !defined( 'jplayerloaded' ) ) {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content,ad_pos from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '1' ORDER BY rand()");
return '
<div class="floating-video-ad adx '.$ad->ad_pos.'">'._pjs($ad->ad_content).'<span class=" close-ad"></span></div>
} else {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '0' and ad_spot='".$spot."' ORDER BY rand()");
return '<div class="static-ad">'._pjs($ad->ad_content).'</div>';


Is there any way to set config variables for plugins so that certain values can be adjusted in the back end?

I've created a few plugins and have gotten them to work (although it would have been nice to have some basic documentation). However, I don't want to create a separate plug in for every config setting.



Can you tell me when the Full Version 4 Will Be finished? you have a link to instream advertising? thank you for your work


Quote from: Hersh on
That's a styling setting, not a bug. Just modify your css.

I know that it's not a bug. I can do that on my own. But i think that this version has to be perfect no matter what

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alex we are still waiting for the patches. Dont let us hang please.

I've patched a few things, but let me work a few more hours, so you don't have to do a double-overwrite minutes after (you can check some changes on videoinedit.com)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
Can you tell me when the Full Version 4 Will Be finished? you have a link to instream advertising? thank you for your work

I hope today this release will be fully stable.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
I know that it's not a bug. I can do that on my own. But i think that this version has to be perfect no matter what

I don't see that as a problem, honestly. Fb does the same.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Another bug (breaks ads):

in functions.php

function _ad($type, $spot= null) {
global $cachedb;
if($type == 1) {
//* Check first if jPlayer is loaded *//
if( !defined( 'jplayerloaded' ) ) {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content,ad_pos from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '1' ORDER BY rand()");
return '
<div class="floating-video-ad adx '.$ad->ad_pos.'">'._html($ad->ad_content).'<span class=" close-ad"></span></div>
} else {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '0' and ad_spot='".$spot."' ORDER BY rand()");
return '<div class="static-ad">'._html($ad->ad_content).'</div>';

Should be replaced with:

function _ad($type, $spot= null) {
global $cachedb;
if($type == 1) {
//* Check first if jPlayer is loaded *//
if( !defined( 'jplayerloaded' ) ) {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content,ad_pos from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '1' ORDER BY rand()");
return '
<div class="floating-video-ad adx '.$ad->ad_pos.'">'._pjs($ad->ad_content).'<span class=" close-ad"></span></div>
} else {
$ad = $cachedb->get_row("select ad_content from ".DB_PREFIX."ads where ad_type = '0' and ad_spot='".$spot."' ORDER BY rand()");
return '<div class="static-ad">'._pjs($ad->ad_content).'</div>';

Thanks Hersh, was aware of this at some point, but forgot to write it down.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
^^It's barely been a day. Give them some time. You should not be using this release on a production environment anyway, so I don't see why you should be so impatient.

Alexander, you should check your latest modification to how the copyright footer filter is called. It appears to break pages during load. I switched mine back to
'.apply_filters('tfc', get_option('site-copyright')).'

Can you give me the error breaking the page? I can't reproduce this, as load or error.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Ok, for those which are too eager, so far patch is updated in the store.
For difference, see attached screen from kdiff.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Is there any way to set config variables for plugins so that certain values can be adjusted in the back end?

I've created a few plugins and have gotten them to work (although it would have been nice to have some basic documentation). However, I don't want to create a separate plug in for every config setting.


Hersh, we will have all the doc ready when stable.
Including plugins.
But for the admin, you only have the hooks folder (in admin) and the ability to add pages and load them as sk=page where page.php exists.
so you need to have
and hook it through the admin hooks (will add some new hook spots there for Plugin setting pages in menu)




Quote from: wetvibes on
How about the ability to EDIT existing ads?

Yeah, I have found that to be particularly frustrating as well. I can see no good reason why this is not possible.

Anyway, I have decided to build this functionality myself probably tonight when I get home (since I am not sure if phpVibe has any plans to).


If you build it please share the code. Regards!


to version 4, you can add dailymotion publisher please, or if not just add the key to all that publishes dailymotion, thank you for your work.


Quote from: ravi7 on
to version 4, you can add dailymotion publisher please, or if not just add the key to all that publishes dailymotion, thank you for your work. (if it is possible to import from dailymotion and put the key publisher) sorry I used google translator


the mobile site isn't functioning very well, the css is very messy


for the images section the related images are showing first before the images ( on the mobile site) can you incorporate <<Previous [Random] Next>> buttons under the images for navigation? because the related images on the sides are very static. the same can be done for the videos as well.


Why the logo of the website isn't apear?
Pls fix that


Look there when you register the captche isn't look good in mean ito not good in the size.
And when uploading look at the picture.


Same problem here you need to scroll to the side to see all of this and to see you profile picture all of
This take from iphone 5s


When I look at profile of someone and want to see "about me" it's always loading next video and didn't let me see his biography maybe the biography need to be first and only than the videos of the person


And pls fix the moderator panel that will be customized to mobile use not like in the 3.6 that you can't mange the panel via mobile
Thanks very much Yehuda and welcome back Alexander;)


i Get this error when updating the sqlupdater file

There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem.

ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 1
STR: <?
SQL: <?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);

SQL query:

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL);

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL)' at line 1
I am fan of PHP Vibe


I noticed that the version 4, the homepage is limited, and the button to see all the videos is not visible enough. Can you change this? Stable version 4 will be available approximately when ??
thank you for your work


please it is possible to add to the Video Ad Type pre-roll, a counter 30 seconds before pressing Skip this and play, please, thank you to answer me



I'm not sure if you have noticed but based on my testing, the "Time to First Byte" when loading the home page is heavily affected by the performance of the DB, which would seem to imply that the results are not actually being cached. I have also noticed that when I make changes and refresh the page, I can see the changes I made without purging the cache, so I'm fairly convinced that caching is not working correctly.



Hey Alexander,
I think the version 4.0 is now stable, because i am not facing any kind of major problem, at least not till now.
But there are still couple of things i need you to consider ASAP.
(I) The branding removal tool isn't working and i request you to look at it first and try to solve this particular problem today only :-\ :p :p.
(ii) The carousel, although it's not a very big problem but please do have a look at it ASAP.
Thank you.


Quote from: ravi7 on
please it is possible to add to the Video Ad Type pre-roll, a counter 30 seconds before pressing Skip this and play, please, thank you to answer me

I'm also looking for this immediate..


Hey Mario/Alex,
Just noticed another problem, admin can't make NEW HOME BLOCKS and if i am not wrong, check another thing on videoinedit.com that admin can't increase or decrease the number of videos home block.
Please do consider these small changes and release a stable 4.0.


In version 4 can we add a video with selecting multiple categories ?


I created two channel. When I go to Video Import/YouTube Automated I can only see my first category. How to fix.
Also I have plugins inside the plugin folder but my plugin in moderator shows nothing.


Quote from: zille on
I created two channel. When I go to Video Import/YouTube Automated I can only see my first category. How to fix.
Also I have plugins inside the plugin folder but my plugin in moderator shows nothing.
Problem solved. Need to Clean Cache

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: demonguru18 on
i Get this error when updating the sqlupdater file

There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem.

ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 1
STR: <?
SQL: <?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);

SQL query:

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL);

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL)' at line 1

WTF? What doe error reporting has to do with sql? Make sure your file isn't broken.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on

I'm not sure if you have noticed but based on my testing, the "Time to First Byte" when loading the home page is heavily affected by the performance of the DB, which would seem to imply that the results are not actually being cached. I have also noticed that when I make changes and refresh the page, I can see the changes I made without purging the cache, so I'm fairly convinced that caching is not working correctly.


Full cache doesn't affect the users, at all. If you are logged in it gets disabled, only visitors.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: zille on
I created two channel. When I go to Video Import/YouTube Automated I can only see my first category. How to fix.
Also I have plugins inside the plugin folder but my plugin in moderator shows nothing.

Are they correctly built?


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've read everything and will check and patch the issues reported.


it is possible to know when the final version 4 will be good approximately?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
it is possible to know when the final version 4 will be good approximately?

I can't approximate, it's pretty stable right now. Depends on the small stuff you guys will find and I will patch them asap.


pretty stable....i hope you have read about the homeblock problem....admins can't make new home blocks.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Yes, I'm looking onto that, I assume is an database issue, works fine for me to create and edit blocks on all updates  :-[.


 :D....thank you for looking at this particular problem, i wonder no one complained about it... :eek:.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
:D....thank you for looking at this particular problem, i wonder no one complained about it... :eek:.

It would be helpful if you could look at your home table (vibe_homepage) via phpmyadmin and post a printscreen of it's structure.


Is it what you are asking about.?..i hope it is.... :P.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Click on vibe_homepage and then the tab Structure.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter




I truly don't mean to be cruel or rude but....I bought into this script because it seemed to have the greatest potential when compared to most video scripts. I must say I do love the version I am using now which is 3.6 i believe. Although it can use some much needed adjustments. I have been watching the updates for 4.0 and have seen the demo here http://www.videoinedit.com/. Is this the demo and if so it seems as if development is moving backwards not forward. The demo hardly seems to be an advancement at all.

Please shed some light on this for me as I am eager to hear some good news.


when I want to add a block on its homepage does not work, and if I want to edit a block that already exists, as he puts erreure: Undefined property: stdClass::$car in /home4/.../public_html/.../moderator/edit-block.php on line 65

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: lowpage on
I truly don't mean to be cruel or rude but....I bought into this script because it seemed to have the greatest potential when compared to most video scripts. I must say I do love the version I am using now which is 3.6 i believe. Although it can use some much needed adjustments. I have been watching the updates for 4.0 and have seen the demo here http://www.videoinedit.com/. Is this the demo and if so it seems as if development is moving backwards not forward. The demo hardly seems to be an advancement at all.

Please shed some light on this for me as I am eager to hear some good news.

Speak your mind, I can't read it.
If you look at it as a person which wants more and more features, yes, I may see your point.
But the way things have been condensed makes it a bit lighter, you no longer have many dropdowns, that huge menu with a lot of images, and so on.
Surely if you look at this as features missing, I see your point, but all the features are still there if you look closely.
But development doesn't imply creating a bundle of features and adding and adding, this is what Mario did with 3.0 when it became so unstable that they had to fully change it in 3.3
We followed an clicks chart from analytics, and decided how and what to change. This click charts from over 20.000 visitors at day was taken as user behavior. Also, Youtube as always was the inspiration.
Sure, we can easily add other features, but we don't want to increase price even more, so we will split them onto plugins which we try to make them plug and play, no need to edit code.
As for now this is still an experimental version, it was not even announced, just keeped here on the forum so all can play with it and let us know what they believe and find wrong/incomplete.

My plan is to run PHPVibe through the point where the software will be very stable, cheaper and very easy to understand for coders, this way it's a win win, more plugins will come => more options and functionality for users. They don't have to be official, other coders can create for it also.
PHPVibe being centric, with a small team behind it, which handles a lot more than PHPVibe, won't be able to progress much (as I and you guys have seen in the last year).
I hope you understand my direction, even if it's different than the one Mario has had for all this years.


we can not add a key to dailymotion publisher, can you in the future add a plugin? thank you for your work

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
we can not add a key to dailymotion publisher, can you in the future add a plugin? thank you for your work

Can you explain where that should go? I don't even know what it is.


Alex how about the new video player and messaging system that we are waiting from Mario?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alex how about the new video player and messaging system that we are waiting from Mario?

Which video player? Related to video players I'm just waiting to see if he can come up with some jquery work to place ads on some new players.
Also the messaging system.
But for now he still has some medical problems and can't spend much time online. I'll try coding the messaging system myself, been reading some structural tips on the web today, I've never built something similar.


uhm, can you help me?
I installed phpvibe 4.0 (new - fresh install, not update from 3.6) everything went fine untill I log in to moderator page, it alays say '404 error page not found' , althought I jave tried many ways but it still happen, I don't know why.


Quote from: nthuan22 on
uhm, can you help me?
I installed phpvibe 4.0 (new - fresh install, not update from 3.6) everything went fine untill I log in to moderator page, it alays say '404 error page not found' , althought I jave tried many ways but it still happen, I don't know why.
Disable Mod_security on your server or ask your host to disabled and everything will be normal i hope maybe alex know more because is the new version but we know the conflict from the previous versions




Quote from: harrygian on
Hello guys ! I attach some screenshoots about the design ! Please give a look !

+1 i thought it is Safari problem but its on other browsers

if we can just get those critical CSS edits from the original theme http://www.videoscriptdemo.com/


On the mobile site...  On the images section the css is messed up...  The related images appear before the images

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: nthuan22 on
uhm, can you help me?
I installed phpvibe 4.0 (new - fresh install, not update from 3.6) everything went fine untill I log in to moderator page, it alays say '404 error page not found' , althought I jave tried many ways but it still happen, I don't know why.

Check that you have ioncube and that labs.phpvibe.com is not blocked by your server.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
sorry Alex....

You didn't run the upgrader? There is no 'cat' field, so here is your error.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
when I want to add a block on its homepage does not work, and if I want to edit a block that already exists, as he puts erreure: Undefined property: stdClass::$car in /home4/.../public_html/.../moderator/edit-block.php on line 65
Run the sql update as instructed in the first post.


Home page loading so slow.... 15 seconds, no way.

By the way, cool spinner :)


Any plans for improving blog, articles, pages? And any plans for members page,messaging system?

Just askin' ...


Quote from: elitepromo on
On the mobile site...  On the images section the css is messed up...  The related images appear before the images

Related images appear before the image been viewed.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
Home page loading so slow.... 15 seconds, no way.

By the way, cool spinner :)

The page or the thumbs? On videoinedit alone there are 5.8 mb of pictures on the first page.
The page renders internally in under 0.3 seconds but the pictures take time (for me is instant at 1Gbps net, but I've tried some external tools).
Can you guys enable tracking on developer tools console and refresh it, post a printscreen of the times taken to load every element on page?


Quote from: Alexander on
The page or the thumbs? On videoinedit alone there are 5.8 mb of pictures on the first page.
The page renders internally in under 0.3 seconds but the pictures take time (for me is instant at 1Gbps net, but I've tried some external tools).
Can you guys enable tracking on developer tools console and refresh it, post a printscreen of the times taken to load every element on page?

This is what i used to see when waiting for the homepage load:

This is the result of loading, and this pops-up instantly. I mean it's not like the videos are loaded and i have to wait for the thumbnails to load. Well the result:



Quote from: Alexander on
Run the sql update as instructed in the first post.
how meter SQL days? I installed version 4.0


Quote from: ravi7 on
how meter SQL days? I installed version 4.0
I install sqlupdate.php. for ad block on the homepage, but the meter need to Preci place? because its not working


Quote from: Alexander on
Try running this in sql

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_homepage` ADD  `car` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

will update the sql file shortly.

sorry it's me again, but I do not understand how. and the home page is the most important for the site, that's why I really want to fix this problem!


a square black box shows over the menu when in Dashboard  MEDIA MANAGER > SUBMIT EMBED CODE

<div class="ajax-form-result clearfix "></div>

OSX Safari 8

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
I install sqlupdate.php. for ad block on the homepage, but the meter need to Preci place? because its not working

I have no clue what are you talking about.

You just need to upload sqlupdate.php to your site, go to www.yoursite.com/sqlupdate.php, make sure it outputs something, then delete the file and you are done.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
This is what i used to see when waiting for the homepage load:

This is the result of loading, and this pops-up instantly. I mean it's not like the videos are loaded and i have to wait for the thumbnails to load. Well the result:

Then what is causing the long load? Have you metter it?


it's been two weeks That I could not block on the homepage! I know nothing in code! this problem can arrenger me or tell me what to do! Because I can not do anything without a website on the homepage !!! I have download version 4 then I install the root of the site and I can not block on the home page, its not working.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
it's been two weeks That I could not block on the homepage! I know nothing in code! this problem can arrenger me or tell me what to do! Because I can not do anything without a website on the homepage !!! I have download version 4 then I install the root of the site and I can not block on the home page, its not working.

Ok, do we get to be blamed for your fail?
I've explained you what to do, I've gave you two options (one was already explained in the first post).
I see the other guys have managed it just fine.
Not sure what else I could tell you, or what else you want from me  :confused:


Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, do we get to be blamed for your fail?
I've explained you what to do, I've gave you two options (one was already explained in the first post).
I see the other guys have managed it just fine.
Not sure what else I could tell you, or what else you want from me  :confused:
I can not seem to add homepage builder. I can not find your explanation? and if you have to make code changes, I do not know.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
I can not seem to add homepage builder. I can not find your explanation? and if you have to make code changes, I do not know.

Here are my previous answers to you

Quote from: Alexander on
Run the sql update as instructed in the first post.

Quote from: Alexander on
Try running this in sql

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_homepage` ADD  `car` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

will update the sql file shortly.

Quote from: Alexander on
I have no clue what are you talking about.

You just need to upload sqlupdate.php to your site, go to www.yoursite.com/sqlupdate.php, make sure it outputs something, then delete the file and you are done.


Quote from: Alexander on
Here are my previous answers to you
you talk to a beginner. so if you change something you need to Log-have to tell me the exact line, for me your explanation is not clear I do not know what to do. plus I used google translator

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
you talk to a beginner. so if you change something you need to Log-have to tell me the exact line, for me your explanation is not clear I do not know what to do. plus I used google translator

You don't have to change any line anywhere.
You just need to upload that file to your ftp in the PHPVibe main folder/root and open it in your browser, it's a 20 seconds thing that a kid can do!



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
Finally ah :) thank you very much,

Language barriers are the worst issues around here.




Not to pressure you, I know this might take time. But I also think the css issues are the most important problem. It should work well again on iPhones...
Some php bugs in the backend of some minor features can be fixed over time later....

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Ekliptor on
Not to pressure you, I know this might take time. But I also think the css issues are the most important problem. It should work well again on iPhones...
Some php bugs in the backend of some minor features can be fixed over time later....

Just post as many as you find, with printscreens and device info.
Is really hard otherwise to figure them out.

Also, please verify your account if you are a client.

Marius P.

@Alexander , phone?

When sharing this you've missed few things I've already built:

- Changes in tpl/main/manager.php
- All playlists page
- Likes, History and Watch later playlists are missing.

Please see the initial script I've send you, some parts are not upgraded to 4.0!!!
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
@Alexander , phone?

When sharing this you've missed two things:

- Changes in tpl/main/manager.php
- All playlists page
- Likes, History and Watch later playlists are missing.

Please see the initial script I've send you, some parts are not upgraded to 4.0!!!

:mad: forgot it home. Skype?
:-[ sorry, not sure what happened, will check and update it soon.


ok verified the account.

regarding css bugs:
1. On the screen "desktop" you will see that the name "PHPVibe" in the lower left corner is not fully displayed. Tested in chrome + FF. A workaround seems to be to modify the responsive.css for desktops and set .container {width: 95%;}
But that's ugly as I think it should stay 99%

2. The "phone" screenshot shows you the biggest problem. As you can see there is a huge white space on the left, making it painful to watch the video. I don't know how to fix this.

3. "tablet" has the same problem as phones, but not as strong. The video is there, but the white space on the left still seems a bit too much??

Thanks for your good work;)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Did you update it?
Can you try www.videoinedit.com?
I'm pretty sure I've fixed all this.



I think on my iPhone this responsive design is not working properly... on home page it hangs please do needful.. please check on iPhone not on desktop mobile demo..


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Show me, I don't have any Apple mobile/tablet, neither do my colleagues.


Quote from: Alexander on
Show me, I don't have any Apple mobile/tablet, neither do my colleagues.


Hii Mario thanks for the awesome update..i want to know 4.0 is in Experimental mode so all the recent updates and getting updated in the main file? so now if i download the package then i will not get previous errors?


in 4.0 theme looks same like videoinedit.com demo?


hello, it is possible to translate for hours, days, months, years?


QuoteCan you try www.videoinedit.com?
OK thanks. Here my 3 problems seem to be fixed. Although look at the desktop width and you see that the first few pixels of the footer are still missing. But not too bad...

QuoteDid you update it?
The current package from the download are gets updated with fixes? So I just download it and replace all css files?



Quote from: Alexander on
Just post as many as you find, with printscreens and device info.
Is really hard otherwise to figure them out.

those are the main ones here

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


N06.png -> No error, sidebar holds ads and other results (users), you just don't have anything there. http://www.videoinedit.com/show/video
N07, N08 - > What browser and resolution?
N04 -> Doesn't seem like you have the latest version.
N03 -> Doesn't seem a big issue, this adaptivity problems happen all the time, with all sites, it depends on the resolution (can't be perfect).
N02 -> Didn't get this?
N01 -> I know that, will be soon fixed.


Gostaria de colocar anúncio de video em meus player antes do video original,é possivel?


Alex when you release the update can you release also a specification with the last changed files?


@wetvibes: that was my question too. Where and how can I update to the latest version and what files do I have to replace (especially for the css issues). An ETA of the next beta with these fixes and update instructions would be greatly appreciated:)


Quote from: Alexander on

N06.png -> No error, sidebar holds ads and other results (users), you just don't have anything there. http://www.videoinedit.com/show/video
N07, N08 - > What browser and resolution?
N04 -> Doesn't seem like you have the latest version.
N03 -> Doesn't seem a big issue, this adaptivity problems happen all the time, with all sites, it depends on the resolution (can't be perfect).
N02 -> Didn't get this?
N01 -> I know that, will be soon fixed.

N06 can we say "users results:" on top ?
7,8 I am using safari


Quote from: Alexander on

Hii thanks for the awesome update..i want to know 4.0 is in Experimental mode so all the recent updates and getting updated in the main file? so now if i download the package then i will not get previous errors?


in 4.0 theme looks same like videoinedit.com demo?



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: awsjulio on
Failed to load resource 404: http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fluidbox/1.4.3/css/fluidbox.css.map in Safari Error Console

I think this is a cdn issue, that plugin is cdn hosted. I will look to change the lightbox.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: zeemotech on
Hii thanks for the awesome update..i want to know 4.0 is in Experimental mode so all the recent updates and getting updated in the main file? so now if i download the package then i will not get previous errors?


in 4.0 theme looks same like videoinedit.com demo?

Yes, all the changes are committed to the download in the tore.

VideoInedit is 100% PHPVibe 4.0

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Patch added, download updated to the store.
Still a few more stuff to do and it will be full.


Any plans for fixing VideoJS to playback YouTube videos?

And also, Alexander, when I replaced the files you said I should, all of the control buttons were missing and there was significant positional displacement.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Did you clear cache in browser and admin?
What buttons?
The upload to the store just finished :)



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
Please add one pluguin sitemap

For now let's get the cms full, then plugins.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Reuploaded (missed a class on history, and thumbs stretched down to 40px on the table)


MEDIA MANAGER > VIDEO MANAGER : click "Edit" on a single video and it takes you to the Edit page which contains a 404 iframe. Also could we add a Delete button on there?


Also the weird black square box still shows up when you go to MEDIA MANAGER > SUBMIT EMBED CODE. (I'm not yelling btw...)


also the CSS issues still there on the new patch
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)

i think there should be an option to keep the sidebar "on" on a full resolution screens


Quote from: awsjulio on
MEDIA MANAGER > VIDEO MANAGER : click "Edit" on a single video and it takes you to the Edit page which contains a 404 iframe. Also could we add a Delete button on there?

Try changing the embed rewrite rule to this:

RewriteRule ^embed/([^/]*)/$ embed.php?id=$1 [L]

in your .htaccess file.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: awsjulio on
Also the weird black square box still shows up when you go to MEDIA MANAGER > SUBMIT EMBED CODE. (I'm not yelling btw...)

I haven't got to the admin yet. Soon!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: marketania on
also the CSS issues still there on the new patch
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)

i think there should be an option to keep the sidebar "on" on a full resolution screens

This are cdn hosted. I will try finding a new lightbox.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: peach on
How to change language

Do you follow up and update the script on all the patches? Because it was added a few days ago.


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Gostaria de colocar anúncio de video em meus player antes do video original,é possivel?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on

I'll move that completely to the dashboard and design it properly.


 :) :) :)....i believe we will get the final patch today.....or not?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
:) :) :)....i believe we will get the final patch today.....or not?

By Sunday. Right now re-thinking the admin and setup.
Wish Mario was better, he's built the push to next for videojs in 5 minutes, I failed in 3 hours, I hate jquery! Still have to do it at least for the youtube iframe, but if I use the official api the video is no longer responsive, the EVP needs some changes also if I recall correctly, playlists page, users page, add to playlist change, add to watch later, there's still a lot of stuff to do around.
Soundcloud is almost ready on music side.




another things would be useful to check what users are uploading is filter videos by user uploads or imports from other website in admin panel so you can easily remove porn and other bad files you dont want that have not been checked and not reported
http://hip-hop99.com best hip hop music website
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https://wppluginscheap.com Wordpress plugins and themes cheap


Hello, it is possible to meter in translation: hours ago, days ago, weeks ago, please? thank you for your work

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Soundcloud to your Music section (coming tomorrow in full version).


Quote from: Alexander on
Soundcloud to your Music section (coming tomorrow in full version).

This is useful to me!
Good job guys!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

boxboy, that would be a no for now, I have no jquery coder in here at the moment.


Quote from: boxboy on
Please do the system ajax based + mini players for video and audio the idea is (when you are browsing to not stop the music or the video)

Ajax based play list with (bottom playlist footer , music , video etc)
Nice messages system.
This will great fetures for the v4 version

#2 I had something similar did for me for about 4k usd. It ain't as easy as it looks.


Friend I work that from 3 years do not have to teach me whether it is easy or not  O0


Quote from: boxboy on
Friend I work that from 3 years do not have to teach me whether it is easy or not  O0

Then be nice, build it yourself and share or sale it for all ;)


Quote from: MikeOsman on
Then be nice, build it yourself and share or sale it for all ;)

Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)


Quote from: boxboy on
Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)

Looking forward to your mod!


Quote from: boxboy on
Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)
that would be amazing am also waiting for your Mod... :cool:


Alexander are there any changes done in the vibe_videos table ?
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: kingofseo on
Alexander are there any changes done in the vibe_videos table ?

Hi, no!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

This will be gold for new plugins:

Dynamic declare new source name:

return apply_filter('vibe-video-sources', $hostings);

Return dynamic source embed:
			if(has_filter('EmbedModify')) {
			define('EmbedLink', $this->link);	
			$embedCode = apply_filters('EmbedModify',false);
			} else {
			$embedCode = INVALID_URL;	

And details

			if(has_filter('EmbedDetails')) {
			define('EmbedDetailsLink', $this->link);	
			return apply_filters('EmbedDetails',false);


Hey Alex...what about the 4.0 stable version... :P.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I'm going through it, checking what's missing. Still have a few hours of this Sunday :)


Even i was about to write/say that the sunday isn't over....but then i though, you aren't done and giving time to the threads.
Thank you for working on sunday for us... :) :) :).

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
Even i was about to write/say that the sunday isn't over....but then i though, you aren't done and giving time to the threads.
Thank you for working on sunday for us... :) :) :).

No a pleasure to work on Sunday, but it's a must!
I still have to patch the edit video in both frontend and admin, the watch later, add to playlist (If I get to change that to), also the selects on the admin, and God knows what...I'm done with all the rest I've previously posted, playlists, members.

Going to try to sneak in the multiupload and thumb selector, if not, I'll patch it tomorrow.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I believe this was very often requested ( you cheaters  :p ;D )

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
I believe that's still a lot...lol.

It's really easy to code with PHPVibe, the only problem is my home pc which gets stuck like crazy (hard drive failure approaching).


"you cheaters" funny :)))) i hope thats an admin feature. It wont be fairplay to let the users edit those values.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Yes, it's admin feature.
Just noticed that editing video in the front-end doesn't keep category in select, and fixed.
Surprised nobody reported this...

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Managed to make the admin ready for plugins, quite simple :D

Now if the sk doesn't correspond to a file, it will check if it corresponds to an action.

Example: /moderator/?sk=test
Plugin code to render an admin page which simply prints "Test"
function dummy(){
echo 'Test';

Now you can easily build dynamic pages in the /moderator from plugins by defining the actions as adm-{sk value}.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've committed the new patch. Still working...:( but it's pretty much done, just some extra features (easy edits).
Doesn't see a stability issue at the moment.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Added an switch for related selection.
Warning: The by Title uses the search algorithm, it's pretty server heavy.


install the plugin copyright removal and not appear on the panel pluguins :-\


her Alex i just did an upgrade to version 4.05 and ran the sqlupdater but it's not working... the error im getting is:

All should be ok now, check debug below for sql transaction results.
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [BLOB/TEXT column 'description' used in key specification without a key length]

Query [7] -- [CREATE INDEX FullSearch ON vibe_videos (title,tags,description)]

Query Result..

No Results


Alex can you add an "Edit Ad" option and also on user's history (me/&sk=history) there should be an remove / delete videos option. Great job so far. Spor la treaba in continuarea!


sorry i forgot 1 more thing: Delete activities should be an option for the users and admin also.


Right now remove videos from Watch Later doesnt work also. You might wanna check that out.



Since one of your previous updates, the home page now takes many seconds to load the entire page (around the same time you added the new loading gif). At the time, while I was patching I discovered which code change was responsible for this so I reverted it. But I have since forgotten unfortunately.

I don't know if this was intentional or not, but you can see it in on www.videoinedit.com everytime you reload the page.


By the way, I've been meaning to report this (it's been a bug since 3.6). When you delete videos which have been added to a playlist before you delete them from the playlist, they leave a ghost in their place in the playlist.

I deleted these three videos but their ghost is still there:

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: elitepromo on
her Alex i just did an upgrade to version 4.05 and ran the sqlupdater but it's not working... the error im getting is:

All should be ok now, check debug below for sql transaction results.
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [BLOB/TEXT column 'description' used in key specification without a key length]

Query [7] -- [CREATE INDEX FullSearch ON vibe_videos (title,tags,description)]

Query Result..

No Results

It's ok, I've put a warning on that error may showing.
Try the search, if it works, you have no issue.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
install the plugin copyright removal and not appear on the panel pluguins :-\

Make sure it's copied at plugins/copy/plugin.php

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alex can you add an "Edit Ad" option and also on user's history (me/&sk=history) there should be an remove / delete videos option. Great job so far. Spor la treaba in continuarea!

Edit ad on the way.
Why should you remove videos from history? I can do that.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
sorry i forgot 1 more thing: Delete activities should be an option for the users and admin also.

Ok, thanks! I'll check how it's the table build, see if can be done with owner checking.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on

Since one of your previous updates, the home page now takes many seconds to load the entire page (around the same time you added the new loading gif). At the time, while I was patching I discovered which code change was responsible for this so I reverted it. But I have since forgotten unfortunately.

I don't know if this was intentional or not, but you can see it in on www.videoinedit.com everytime you reload the page.

I don't see that. Can you make a video screen capture?
Also check resources in developer tab, let's see what slacks it.
The content shoup pop after entire page is loaded.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
By the way, I've been meaning to report this (it's been a bug since 3.6). When you delete videos which have been added to a playlist before you delete them from the playlist, they leave a ghost in their place in the playlist.

I deleted these three videos but their ghost is still there:

Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Right now remove videos from Watch Later doesnt work also. You might wanna check that out.

Patched /tpl/main/manager.php
Was looking for remove, not removelater.

Thanks for reporting!


hello, I download the Versioin steady 4.0, the file does not work!


Quote from: Alexander on
Make sure it's copied at plugins/copy/plugin.php

when he does turn on pluguin my site became inaccessible generates an error


I too had the same problem....
Make sure...you have deleted the older footer removal tool before installing/uploading the new....hope this helps :P.


Quote from: Hersh on

Since one of your previous updates, the home page now takes many seconds to load the entire page (around the same time you added the new loading gif). At the time, while I was patching I discovered which code change was responsible for this so I reverted it. But I have since forgotten unfortunately.

I don't know if this was intentional or not, but you can see it in on www.videoinedit.com everytime you reload the page.

Hey Alex...please do have a look at this ASAP.... :-[ :-[ :-[.
And on my site...it's taking forever and ever and not stopping.



in home.php....removed the first five lines....and now everything is fine...... :)) :)) :)).




I have another problem
auto importing videos from youtube is duplicating all imported videos :(


when I downolad the Version 4 on the site, the file does not work, it's 185 byte (s). there's only me who has this problem? pouver you meter the complete file of version 4 is available please


Quote from: wetvibes on
@ASDF wich lines exacty?


after removing first five lines...your home.php from the very top would look like


.....it resolved my problem.
And in case...it creates problem for you...take a safe line...

open..home.php and duplicate it......edit any one from the two and save the changes and open your website, if your problem is solved....close the second one too....or else make a very small change to the second one...save it...revert the change and then save it........................i hope you have understood what i have said..... ;D ;D ;D.




Quote from: ASDF on

after removing first five lines...your home.php from the very top would look like


.....it resolved my problem.
And in case...it creates problem for you...take a safe line...

open..home.php and duplicate it......edit any one from the two and save the changes and open your website, if your problem is solved....close the second one too....or else make a very small change to the second one...save it...revert the change and then save it........................i hope you have understood what i have said..... ;D ;D ;D.



i can't download the Version 4 on the site, the file does not work
Website xem tivi, xem tivi online, truyền hình online cực nhanh
tổng hợp những video clip hài mới nhất, hay nhất, xem hài cực hot nữa


Quote from: chunkyvn on
i can't download the Version 4 on the site, the file does not work

i think Alex is upload a new patched version maybe thats why. lets wait and see

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
when I downolad the Version 4 on the site, the file does not work, it's 185 byte (s). there's only me who has this problem? pouver you meter the complete file of version 4 is available please

It's 33 mb on the server. Checked it, is fine. Maybe you've downloaded it while I was uploading.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on

after removing first five lines...your home.php from the very top would look like


.....it resolved my problem.
And in case...it creates problem for you...take a safe line...

open..home.php and duplicate it......edit any one from the two and save the changes and open your website, if your problem is solved....close the second one too....or else make a very small change to the second one...save it...revert the change and then save it........................i hope you have understood what i have said..... ;D ;D ;D.


How does it work for you when you've removed the page container also? :) Isn't it messed up?
I'm not sure what's going on, the page is simply hidden until it loads full, and then the loader is removed and page shown, it's very simple, it should not affect page load time, just prevent from showing incomplete plugins. If the homepage loads bad, then you probably have an slow internet connection, since the page only shows when all the images are loaded.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: chunkyvn on
i can't download the Version 4 on the site, the file does not work

What OS?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
I have another problem
auto importing videos from youtube is duplicating all imported videos :(

What do you mean? Do you mean it doesn't check if the video is already saved or that for every insert it makes 2 videos? Please be specific.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've reuploaded the zip file, for people who have had problem...let me know if it works now!


Alex you uploaded new changes today? If yes whats new compared to last days version?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alex you uploaded new changes today? If yes whats new compared to last days version?

Quote from: Alexander on
I've added all those indexes to sqlupdater.php and orginal setup, you can run it once and check.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

No features, needed a small break. Resuming work on the admin panel shortly.


alex when i run the new version of sql updater i get

oops! page not found

And my sqlupdater.php is in my root folder.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Browser cache? I've just runned it fine on all my installs. Make sure you don't have any typo.


it's annoying, I download the last days has, the homepage does not work, the only load, how to have a good site if every time you want to meter the days there 'new problem ... :-[


Quote from: ravi7 on
it's annoying, I download the last days has, the homepage does not work, the only load, how to have a good site if every time you want to meter the days there 'new problem ... :-[
no is good thank you

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

ravi7 best choice is to not use a beta edition if you don't want to have problems :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

- jPlayer ads improved
- jwPlayer ads system is built (using the same ads as jPlayer)

Thanks @Mario
Changes not yet committed in the store, waiting to get more from MediaVibe's development (hoping for ads system on FlowPlayer and Video.js as well).


Congrats Alex!  Don't forget about ads edit option for the admin please.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Congrats Alex!  Don't forget about ads edit option for the admin please.

It will be done soon.

VideoJs ads system integration is done.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

flowplayer ads are done.

No solution for EVP and Chameleon (no APIs), unfortunately.


Available for download in clients area?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Not yet, have to check embed a bit, and move some ads css from vibe.style to ads css file.Mario is trying to build a 'select embed size' like Youtube has.
Since they are here and a bit free, would just make the best of it, will commit everything after and let you guys know what files have changes.


By the way, I still don't understand why you have a loading gif that displays, especially when caching is enabled. Most resources should load in the background. If some inline ads or some external thumbnails are taking a while to load, especially since the scroller is not doing any sort of lazy loading of resources (this would have been nice), there is no reason why the whole container should be prevented from being visible. I think you should at least make it optional.

Here is the screen capture:

By the way, something I noticed while registering to upload this video. When registering, users should be redirected after registration to the referring page. Right now, when you complete the registration, it reloads the page for you and asks you to register again. It makes you think you missed something, so when you try to register again, it tells you the email is already in use.

1. Logged in users should have no access to the registration page (currently, you can).
2. If a user was directed to register because they tried to access a members only resource, they should be sent back to the page they were trying to access, once they have completed registration.
3. If the user went to the registration page directly, they should just be sent back to the last page they were on


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I'm not sure, it should forward you to your profile. I'll check.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

As for the homepage, it simply uses the hide class and the imagesloaded for jquery, so it doesn't render pieces of images, which is kinda bad visually.

You just have to remove the hide class from container in /tpl/main/home.php to remove that :)

Ps: How large is that display? Since my 24" looks small comparing to that rendering :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Patch 6
File Changes:
{removed embed.php}
{removed feed.php}
tpl/main/tpl.globals.php (small change in the 3 feeds links from ?m= to &m=)
/tpl/main/css/bootstrap.css (added !important to the class .hide, this is the only change)

Moves feed and embed to components, adds different loaders per home block, extends jads to  jwplayer,flowplayer,videojs.
Removes two extra lines from .htaccess file.
Fixes typo in embed (jwplayer not rendering issues was caused for a type in the jquery call link  :o :mad: )

Clear your cache after applying this patch.

Patch committed.

FFMPEG changes, subtitles and new admin available in the next days, and then moving to plugins and themes.

jwPlayer 6:



Quote from: Alexander on
As for the homepage, it simply uses the hide class and the imagesloaded for jquery, so it doesn't render pieces of images, which is kinda bad visually.

You just have to remove the hide class from container in /tpl/main/home.php to remove that :)
I know. I don't have that problem on my site. I purposely skipped it while I was patching your changes to my script. I'm just saying, as a general feedback on your script, you should probably make that optional since I guess I don't see the benefits of it..

Ps: How large is that display? Since my 24" looks small comparing to that rendering :)

It's 27" Apple thunderbolt monitor. I guess sometimes I forget it's not standard size when testing sites. lol

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Yeah, lol, most are on 19" to 23" still :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've patched load.php (Mario pointed out that the full cache isn't running after my changes), it should work fine now.


BTW if you change your player to jw or fp or vj and the overlay ads wont close when you press the X and they dont start when the timer is set to start.


Please add the option to disable autoplay in the player is annoying ???


I keep forgetting to mention, you should probably update the facebook comments code to make it responsive. The CSS hack doesn't really work.

Anyway, in case other uses want to know, here is what you should do:

in /lib/comments.php

On line 7, find:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>						
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';

Replace with:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';


Got this error when trying to update my test installation using the last revision of the 3.x branch:

Homepage table updated...
Users table updated...Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [BLOB/TEXT column 'date' used in key specification without a key length]

Query [21] -- [alter  table vibe_likes add unique uid_uni (uid, vid)]

Query Result..

No Results

Anything to be worried about? Thank you



on my server and I noticed a big increase in CPU usage on MysQL on my website that is configured for autoimport videos from youtube before the upgrade was normal consumption



Quote from: pantsuhentai on

is it a dedicated server? Just the percentage is not enough. Can you pull out the contents of the MySQL slow query log? Or try to identify which query is slow. How many visitors are you managing? What are the specs of the server?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
BTW if you change your player to jw or fp or vj and the overlay ads wont close when you press the X and they dont start when the timer is set to start.

Show me a link?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on

on my server and I noticed a big increase in CPU usage on MysQL on my website that is configured for autoimport videos from youtube before the upgrade was normal consumption

Can you provide a full debug? This doesn't happen on any of our servers...so we can;t know where the problem is until you give us all the details.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
BTW if you change your player to jw or fp or vj and the overlay ads wont close when you press the X and they dont start when the timer is set to start.

First issues: js:

Invalid App Id: Must be a number or numeric string representing the application id.
all.js:64 FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://s7.addthis.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://porndoo.com').

Second: have you changed anything? The js under the player seems incomplete, maybe a typo, something?


I manage to upload short videos, but 200MB video example it does not work, can you help me please? I can put on the site-under PHPVibe's Chameleon reader how to do ?? Thank you for your work


Quote from: TigerClaw on
Got this error when trying to update my test installation using the last revision of the 3.x branch:

Homepage table updated...
Users table updated...Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [BLOB/TEXT column 'date' used in key specification without a key length]

Query [21] -- [alter  table vibe_likes add unique uid_uni (uid, vid)]

Query Result..

No Results

Anything to be worried about? Thank you

Alexander could you please tell me if this error is important or not? Next step will be to upgrade the production site. Thank you


Quote from: ravi7 on
I manage to upload short videos, but 200MB video example it does not work, can you help me please? I can put on the site-under PHPVibe's Chameleon reader how to do ?? Thank you for your work

If you are using cloudfare basic...means for free....it won't allow you to upload videos larger then 100 MB in size.


Quote from: ASDF on
If you are using cloudfare basic...means for free....it won't allow you to upload videos larger then 100 MB in size.
for cloudfare I should pay how much? to add a site-under the player's PHPVibe's Chameleon Is That Possible?
thank you


Quote from: Alexander on
Can you provide a full debug? This doesn't happen on any of our servers...so we can;t know where the problem is until you give us all the details.
investigate the log and was a third parties attack my website mysql injection :-\


Alexander, i wana ask u somethink personal can u pm me if is possible?. tnx


Quote from: ravi7 on
for cloudfare I should pay how much? to add a site-under the player's PHPVibe's Chameleon Is That Possible?
thank you

If you get a lot of viewers on your website, go for a paid plan.....https://www.cloudflare.com/plans
or else don't even think about it....and by viewers i meant....50000-100000 views a day or more then that.



I keep seeing this error in the developer tools console:
error parsererror
incoming Text

referencing the phpvibe_app.js file in this location:
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        console.log("error " + textStatus);
        console.log("incoming Text " + jqXHR.responseText);

I figure this is for the little pop p notifications...

Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
I keep seeing this error in the developer tools console:
error parsererror
incoming Text

referencing the phpvibe_app.js file in this location:
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        console.log("error " + textStatus);
        console.log("incoming Text " + jqXHR.responseText);

I figure this is for the little pop p notifications...

Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.

You seem to have an parse error, can you check it on the api link directly?
Also, make sure debugging is not on (else it will break json format).
The playlist, I'll have it checked asap.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Guys, this is a 4.0 bugs and reporting (TESTING) thread, all the other posts are offtopic, and I will remove or ignore them.
If you want help please use specific forums, not this thread!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: mariovip on
Alexander, i wana ask u somethink personal can u pm me if is possible?. tnx

I can't, if your account isn't verified.
You can ask sales if you are not a client http://www.phpvibe.com/contact-us/ or open a topic with your question.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

What player? Not all players can push. Only jplayer,jwplayer,flowplayer and videojs can.

Quote from: Hersh on
Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.

It just got patched. Thank you for reporting.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New patch committed:


lib/comments.php (changed add button class)
lib/functions.php ( changed playlist redirect and guess next video functions)
/tpl/main/js/phpvibe_app.js (Removed time redirect for playlist)
/tpl/main/css/vibe.style.css (Added 100%important to addEmComment, removed all .buttonS definitions)


Quote from: max18121980 on
What I'd like to see in version 4.0:
1. Enable / disable from admin to download any file uploaded by users.
2. Implement the use of third-party disk storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.)
3. Use a player for music with equalizer (for MP3 does not need such a large window for viewing video)

I ask you to think about my desire))) Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Alexander on
What player? Not all players can push. Only jplayer,jwplayer,flowplayer and videojs can.

Those are the players I prefer to use anyway. It didn't work for any of them. I'm not sure why it works on VideoInedit but it doesn't work for me.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: max18121980 on
What I'd like to see in version 4.0:
1. Enable / disable from admin to download any file uploaded by users.
2. Implement the use of third-party disk storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.)
3. Use a player for music with equalizer (for MP3 does not need such a large window for viewing video)

Quote from: max18121980 on
I ask you to think about my desire))) Thanks in advance.

1. It's really easy to hook that to a button, and I'm sure it's already posted in the forum as how to.
2. We've failed in so many ways to do that. But we will get external help for a cdn plugin.
3. That can be done easily. Any free player suggestions?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Those are the players I prefer to use anyway. It didn't work for any of them. I'm not sure why it works on VideoInedit but it doesn't work for me.

Can you show me a link? It works on all my sites.


would there be a way to disable the need for uploading a thumbnail during an upload?
like if no thumbnail is uploaded use a placeholder instead (like a "no-thumbnail" picture)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
would there be a way to disable the need for uploading a thumbnail during an upload?
like if no thumbnail is uploaded use a placeholder instead (like a "no-thumbnail" picture)
When you don't have ffmpeg?

For all version you can open com/com_add.php and remove from class the validate[required]

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>

final would be

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="styled"></div>


Quote from: Alexander on
When you don't have ffmpeg?

For all version you can open com/com_add.php and remove from class the validate[required]

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>

final would be

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="styled"></div>

I do have ffmpeg, it's just tht there are time where you "wouldnt" want to upload a thumbnail, and just have a placeholder be there instead.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
I do have ffmpeg, it's just tht there are time where you "wouldnt" want to upload a thumbnail, and just have a placeholder be there instead.

I don't really understand you, basically when you have ffmpeg that field doesn't exist, the image is generated by ffmpeg.


Quote from: Alexander on
I don't really understand you, basically when you have ffmpeg that field doesn't exist, the image is generated by ffmpeg.

I know but i don't have it enabled, what I am saying is this:
Take for instance you have a large database of videos and for some reason you you cant upload anymore, images uploaded via ffmpeg are in the Gigabytes/Terabytes. Now take it as if you disable ffmpeg, and just want to upload the videos and no thumbnails, and just want like 1 placeholder poster for every video instead of a thumbnail poster having to be generated for every single videos every time. It saves space. 

Now this would be entirely optional for people who dont care and have the money to scale their dedicated servers even more, but what about the people who has to wait until revenue generates enough until they can afford to scale and have thumbnails for their videos. That 1 placeholder image can benefit them.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

But if you remove the validate required class it does exactly what you wish...or I'm not really getting you (sorry!).
If no image, it adds the default one.


My home page is giving erro.http : //www.wolftb.com/
only opens the videos with the so http://www.wolftb.com/index.php address


Man, I'm having way too many issues lately. Even though the JS errors are now gone once I disabled error_reporting, I can't get JW Player to work at all anymore. The I'm pretty sure it's a jQuery issue since the video player container is not being appended with the embed code. I have done a complete file compare of the entire library but have not been able to find anything which explains these issues unless the builds I'm downloading are broken.
All I see now is:
QuoteLoading the player...

I have also noticed a number of issues I reported in the past appearing again in recent builds.

Here are a couple:

Quote from: Hersh on
Btw, Alexander,

There is a bug in /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="choosen-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="5" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 5 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="4" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 4 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Chameleon</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="1" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 1 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>JwPlayer</i></label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>FlowPlayer HTML5</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>jPlayer</label>
	<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Which player should be loaded for mobile supported files (.mp4, .mp3, etc)? JwPlayer is loaded for the rest.</span>
	<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-youtube"></i>Youtube videos</label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Use JwPlayer</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="0" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 0 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Youtube's Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>

The (get_option('choosen-player') calls for VideoJS should be replaced with 'remote-player' and 'youtube-player', respectively. The radio button name="choosen-player" should also be changed to name="remote-player".

Another problem is, even after making these changes, if you select VideoJS as the default player for YouTube videos, it does not work. And if you select it for local videos deploys jPlayer instead of VideoJS.

Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.


Have you recently made changes to the .htaccess file or something btw? I am on nginx so I'd have to translate the rules to its format.


Okay, I can say definitively now that this is a bug. I just did a fresh install install just to test this and the same thing happens when I select JWPlayer or any other YouTube video player other than YouTube:

Please look into this as soon as you can. I haven't been able to fix it.

While I certainly appreciate the rapid update cycles, I would recommend at least some basic testing of the affected components to see that there are no issues (shouldn't take more than 15 mins) before releasing. Otherwise, this will be a perpetual cycle.



ta dificil em,made mensagem privada,responder aqui no forum não se entende nada,fica td mesturado


Fixed it.

In case anyone else is having the same issues, it's a simple fix.

In functions.php, around line ~1434
$ads = $cachedb->get_results("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."jads limit 0,1000",ARRAY_A);
$fads = ' $(document).ready(function() {
jwplayer().onPlay( function(){  	

After, add an extra:


any idea when the new theme is coming up for it?


Quote from: Hersh on
Fixed it.

In case anyone else is having the same issues, it's a simple fix.

In functions.php, around line ~1434
$ads = $cachedb->get_results("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."jads limit 0,1000",ARRAY_A);
$fads = ' $(document).ready(function() {
jwplayer().onPlay( function(){  	

After, add an extra:

Nice one Hersh! Thank you very much for sharing the fix!


^^You're welcome.

Another bug:

When playlist finishes playing the last video, it redirects to a 404 page.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on
My home page is giving erro.http : //www.wolftb.com/
only opens the videos with the so http://www.wolftb.com/index.php address

Hi, works fine now without the www.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Have you recently made changes to the .htaccess file or something btw? I am on nginx so I'd have to translate the rules to its format.

Hi, yes,. i've removed the /feeds and embed/ rules, since they were moved to components.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: cyonx on
any idea when the new theme is coming up for it?

coding will start soon, we're almost done with the admin panel.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on
ta dificil em,made mensagem privada,responder aqui no forum não se entende nada,fica td mesturado

I'm not sure what you are saying (partially translates).
But it's clearly explained we work Monday through Friday in support information, not in weekends.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Fixed it.

In case anyone else is having the same issues, it's a simple fix.

In functions.php, around line ~1434
$ads = $cachedb->get_results("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."jads limit 0,1000",ARRAY_A);
$fads = ' $(document).ready(function() {
jwplayer().onPlay( function(){  	

After, add an extra:

Hi Hersh, can you give me the error in the console log of the browser?
This doesn't seem to be what it takes. Have you tested all the ads on jwplayer? I've checked the closing tags and this extra one closes the document ready.

We've tested it on both front-end and embed again with no issue. Is there any specific combination that fails (as in only notifications, or only overlays), any kind of ads? I'm debugging blind here.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Working on the admin panel (not final)


Quote from: Alexander on
Hi Hersh, can you give me the error in the console log of the browser?
This doesn't seem to be what it takes. Have you tested all the ads on jwplayer? I've checked the closing tags and this extra one closes the document ready.
Well, yeah. It needs to be closed, since it is not being closed anywhere else.

QuoteWe've tested it on both front-end and embed again with no issue. Is there any specific combination that fails (as in only notifications, or only overlays), any kind of ads? I'm debugging blind here.

As you saw from the screenshot I posted, when you select JWPlayer, it simply does not load.

Here is the error I see when I inspect it:

By the way, I don't have any overlay ads. Maybe you need to test it without any ads. Having ads might solve the problem I suppose.

Also, please don't forget to fix the old bugs I noted above. There is also another bug I forgot to report, which is how the Maintenance Mode is implemented. If you turn on maintenance mode but log out of the admin console, you are not able to log back in. I created a custom login template for the maintenance mode page, but I think you should include an admin login so that users do not accidentally lock themselves out.


For now, I have fixed everything except the playlist redirection. The function should be set with a while loop so that it terminates when it's over.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I will check everything, been working on admin and multi-lvl comments (2 lvls), full cache security and also more uploads security.
Almost done with everything.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Btw, from what you are showing me there is an bad if somewhere, but that is not a fix for the ones which have other type of ads, it will just kill their site (I've tested with all 4, will drop from them and see).


By the way, Can you tell me what directive to use to disable caching in plugins without affecting the rest of the page? It's causing for my dynamic youtube video import plugin which relies on making ajax calls.



Quote from: Alexander on
I will check everything, been working on admin and multi-lvl comments (2 lvls), full cache security and also more uploads security.
Almost done with everything.

That's great. No problem. Just wanted to make sure I let you know in case it was missed.

Were you able to test the broken append for the video player with ads disabled? You're right there is probably a bad if statement somewhere.


I can't click the description area. The area within the red border is blocking that.

And this is the reason: .controls is too big in height.



Hey Alex, do let us know when you are finished coding and phpvibe is available for download... :) :) :).


Hey Alex! When you add a video to playlist it says "All Done!", and if you open the report tab on the same page it says "All Done!" too. Screen:

Fix This!


Fix for "Hide Video Path with PHP"

in stream.php
right above:
$token = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode(base64_decode($_GET["file"])));

@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

Or if you feel like it you may also do this i nthe actual php.ini file, but i'm just saying this is easier.
I'm using Nginx


Alex how can we clear the fullcache folder? From admin Clear Cache only clears Cache folder.




Quote from: wolftbpg on
you must delete the file hold via FTP  and delete the setup folder


Home e playlist problema.como concerto?


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Home e playlist problema.como concerto?
Now you must configure the homepage in the admin panel


in section Homepage builder and you must upload your first videos or music ^-^


Não aparece só da erro.só aparece se eu fizer login.




Quote from: wolftbpg on
Não aparece só da erro.só aparece se eu fizer login.
you need to check that the data are the same administrator account you entered in setup


Não não .eu consigo entra no painel e crio os carrosséis.o problema é que não aparece na home .
Se eu fizer logof some.Da erro.


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Não não .eu consigo entra no painel e crio os carrosséis.o problema é que não aparece na home .
Se eu fizer logof some.Da erro.
would you please attach screenshots

not quite understand Portuguese :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
That's great. No problem. Just wanted to make sure I let you know in case it was missed.

Were you able to test the broken append for the video player with ads disabled? You're right there is probably a bad if statement somewhere.

Hi, no not yet, had to resign from my old work to come work here, turned out to be more difficult than expected, but it's done.
Sorry I've missed this last 36 hours, but I will get to work early tomorrow and fix everything reported, also get the new upgrades from my colleagues.
I hope to be done with all by the end of the week.


By the way, there is a bug where all playlists for everyone are public (i.e Watch Later playlist, History Playlist, and regular playlist)




Replace 14 with any number to find different playlists.


Quote from: Geonode on
Fix for "Hide Video Path with PHP"

in stream.php
right above:
$token = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode(base64_decode($_GET["file"])));

@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

Or if you feel like it you may also do this i nthe actual php.ini file, but i'm just saying this is easier.
I'm using Nginx

Awesome. Thanks!


I will also be working on Ads Integration in phpvibe for Videojs after it's new version release (Whenever that is):
Right now the ad's integration is broken and basically the code is everywhere with that >_> - I also dont like how the player has a bunch of crap on it regarding phpvibe like the share button.

some screenies:

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
By the way, there is a bug where all playlists for everyone are public (i.e Watch Later playlist, History Playlist, and regular playlist)




Replace 14 with any number to find different playlists.

And this is a bug how? Never considered closing that, didn't see the point.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
I will also be working on Ads Integration in phpvibe for Videojs after it's new version release (Whenever that is):
Right now the ad's integration is broken and basically the code is everywhere with that >_> - I also dont like how the player has a bunch of crap on it regarding phpvibe like the share button.

some screenies:

What are you trying to say? I've fixed functions.php , it was just a matter of the pre-rol being built before the if($ads) had to move it a few lines up in every function, it will commited soon. This is still beta, so issues may come up.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on


Let's make a guess and tell what page is that with the 404 (or suppose to be) and if you have homeblocks on not so far...
Please if you need support, make sure you ask for it, not just post two pictures from which nobody can dream/guess what's wrong!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New /lib/functions.php (till I finish this patch), it patches the ads for jwplayer, flowplayer and videojs.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

We've simplified the ads creation in admin.


Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?


Quote from: Alexander on
And this is a bug how? Never considered closing that, didn't see the point.

It's a matter of user privacy. If a user does not want his/her playlist or viewing history disclosed to the public, they shouldn't have to. This is standard practice by all major sites which provide similar services (e.g YouTube). I understand this may seem trivial to you; hell, I don't personally care myself if people can see my playlist, but it's always better to err on the side of giving people Options rather than dictating it for them. Hope you understand. :)

Btw, let me know if you have any idea about the bugfix timeline for the other stuff I reported above.


p.s. the new cp (and ads management, especially) is looking pretty awesome!


Quote from: wetvibes on
Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?

This is true. The files in the /cache folder is not really cleared when you click the clear button in the cp.


For the /cache folder gets cleaned from admin. the only issue is the /cache/full (fullcache directory) doesnt gets cleaned.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?

Checked, works fine. Check your server permissions, see if php is allowed to delete those files.


is there any specific file wich we have to check for permission to delete?


meu problema esta no arquivo load.php do 4.0  o que faço.
Se a home da certo a página de playlist da erro.


when the full version will release, waiting from December it is April now .


Please add show/hide download link in video upload area.
I think this is Deficiency for phpvibe!


so when is the next beta update coming out so i can test it?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
is there any specific file wich we have to check for permission to delete?

I just realised that the only difference between the 2 caching system is that mine is chmoding the files first, I'll add that to the other cache system also.

Edit : I've moved this to ezsql cache cleaner and it seems to be working fine, once committed in the store and you upgrade you will no longer have this issue.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Finished. Found 5 bugs in the old one  :mad:


hi can anyone tell me how to add videos from putlocker and facebook anything i try in version 4 not working or maybe i do something wrong help needed thanks

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
hi can anyone tell me how to add videos from putlocker and facebook anything i try in version 4 not working or maybe i do something wrong help needed thanks

Next time please open a new thread. This is for beta testing.
For facebook is as simple as pasting: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1600039910227125 into the link field.
putlocker.com seems to be closing down.


Quote from: Alexander on
Next time please open a new thread. This is for beta testing.
For facebook is as simple as pasting: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1600039910227125 into the link field.
putlocker.com seems to be closing down.
sorry alex i posted here because i thought maybe something not working properly and you need to know about it as for facebook videos i try everything to make it work and nothing seams to working in version 4 clean install sorry again i will make a new thread about it

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
sorry alex i posted here because i thought maybe something not working properly and you need to know about it as for facebook videos i try everything to make it work and nothing seams to working in version 4 clean install sorry again i will make a new thread about it

I've tested that video and it works. But Fb doesn't return any video details (if this is what you are looking for).

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New patch committed.
Upgraded the comments, increased security, removed multi-sel (changed the way you add a video to a playlist), languages, changed video,images, music managers to a bit of filtering (will expand more), added pre-fill for language edit for new terms, added language export (will add language import), added edit ads, edit videoads, changed a bit both structures (still to do: extend overlays to EVPlayer and Chameleon, unfortunately no api so no events on this 2 players.).

If you've run sqlupdater.php before, make a file called fix.php with this content:
<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL); 
//Vital file include
$db->query("ALTER TABLE  `".DB_PREFIX."em_comments` CHANGE  `admin_reply`  `reply` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'");
$db->query("update `".DB_PREFIX."em_comments` set reply = '0'");
echo "Comments table updated...<br>";

and run it once in your root (next to load.php) , maning go to www.yoursite.com/fix.php so it fixes your comments table for second lvl comments.
If you didn't run update before, just run sqlupdater.php and it does the same thing.

We're getting pretty close to a full release, hope no more bugs show up.

Just have to do import language .json file, and ftp upload for videos (maybe try a multi-uploader by browser also), subtitle upload, hd generation, and finish the admin design changes. Hope to have them done by the end of this weekend.

Our demos are not yet updated.


Quote from: Alexander on
I've tested that video and it works. But Fb doesn't return any video details (if this is what you are looking for).
yes that is what i looking for alex

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
yes that is what i looking for alex
I'm sure they will introduce an api for videos pretty soon, and then we will take advantage of it also, but for now they don't have such options.


alex what to do to clean instals to upgrade ?we just drop the files in to the root as before.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
alex what to do to clean instals to upgrade ?we just drop the files in to the root as before.

Just drop /upgrade , but either run again sqlupdater.php or use the file I've provided the code for us (fix.php), because this patch changes a bit the table for comments.


comments stop working after upgrade i click post nothing happens i clean cache and check again and nothing

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
comments stop working after upgrade i click post nothing happens i clean cache and check again and nothing

Run the sqlupgrader.php :)



PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on

You didn't replace all the files. It still renders the old comment system http://videodigger.tk/video/116/homeless-bodybuilder-his-name-is-jacques-sayagh-and-he-is-50/

at least lib/comments.php is the old version.


how you post? i click the button and nothing happens i will upload the files again maybe some file did not upload

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've went to the php file itself and manually attached the inputs :) wanted to see if it's an issue.


alex  i download fresh files and upload the files again nothing sorry to ask is the files on the server updated or i upload the old ones?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
alex  i download fresh files and upload the files again nothing sorry to ask is the files on the server updated or i upload the old ones?

I see it changed and works fine :)



PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Every time i edit embed.php and save it, the change inst implemented.
I tried clearing the cache but that didnt work at all :/



alex i try to upgrade my other site from 3.6b to 4 version but my admin panel is a mess and theme is not change i upload the files from the /upgrade do i have to make any more changes or upload other files from the main folder ?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
Every time i edit embed.php and save it, the change inst implemented.
I tried clearing the cache but that didnt work at all :/

4.0 no longer has an embed.php file. It's moved to com/com_embed.php (you can read up)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
alex i try to upgrade my other site from 3.6b to 4 version but my admin panel is a mess and theme is not change i upload the files from the /upgrade do i have to make any more changes or upload other files from the main folder ?

Run sqlupgrader.php, clear cache in both browser and PHPVibe's admin.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Moving theme to admin option (no more editing)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New ffmpeg tweaks, now you can change the command directly from the admin panel

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Changed that ugly processed image with a translatable text design.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Patch committed.

Please give feedback (make sure you overwrite with the entire /upgrade to avoid non-uploads and old issues).

Working on admin subtitles and ftp bulk import.


Alex you need to fix player config from moderator. still an issue when you select videojs.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alex you need to fix player config from moderator. still an issue when you select videojs.

Oh, I've patched and committed it now.
Just change the name of the field in remote on /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>

Sorry, I don't know how I got files mixed, was already reported and patched previously.



Alexander, one more thing you have yet to patch (aside from the player issue):

Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.

By the way, any chance you will implement a permissions feature for playlists? Just curious in case I decide to do it myself.



Alex feeds give me an error when i want to access feeds in the past i go to http://mysite.com/feed and now i get this error XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
Location: http://mysite.com/feed
Line Number 5, Column 1:<script type="text/javascript">
is something change?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Added subtitles to admin -> edit video
Fixed the bad padding of the site in firefox
Changed a few in the admin panel

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tesladisk on
Alex feeds give me an error when i want to access feeds in the past i go to http://mysite.com/feed and now i get this error XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
Location: http://mysite.com/feed
Line Number 5, Column 1:<script type="text/javascript">
is something change?

Why is it javascript in your feed? I can't guess what you have there since you're not showing the line in the xml output :)


the new changes are committed in clients area?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
the new changes are committed in clients area?

Not yet, latest check.


Quote from: Alexander on
Not yet, latest check.
alexander you advise me to wait for the final version 4

or I can use the beta to put my site update?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Wnux on
alexander you advise me to wait for the final version 4

or I can use the beta to put my site update?

This patch 12 is probably the final one.
I'm just updating the installer. Tops 1h and it will be online.


hi alex i find the culprit i have a piece of code java of sumome in the tpl.globals and for some reason break the rss feeds anyway something you must see i find when i edit a youtube video from admin panel in the Visibility i get this 2 before the option choice
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/site/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101
> Users only
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/site/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102
also if i try to change any of the 2 options or try to change number of views likes is not save the new options the same goes also for the pre-roll ad is not save the time and when i add a start time gives me the same stop time and i can not make it save i hope this helps to fix any of that 2 thanks


For the video Encoding:
What does it do? Does it keep the orginal video and makes a second version of it? (like if u want to use a main version and a mobile version?
Or does it encode the uploaded video completely and the original is removed?


I'm having this error

Quote from: tesladisk on
hi alex i find the culprit i have a piece of code java of sumome in the tpl.globals and for some reason break the rss feeds anyway something you must see i find when i edit a youtube video from admin panel in the Visibility i get this 2 before the option choice
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/site/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101
> Users only
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/site/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102
also if i try to change any of the 2 options or try to change number of views likes is not save the new options the same goes also for the pre-roll ad is not save the time and when i add a start time gives me the same stop time and i can not make it save i hope this helps to fix any of that 2 thanks
Website xem tivi, xem tivi online, truyền hình online cực nhanh
tổng hợp những video clip hài mới nhất, hay nhất, xem hài cực hot nữa

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: chunkyvn on
I'm having this error

Are you guys upgrading? Can you please explain, I have no such error on any test and the 'private' field is fine in the database.


i will add the last patch in a few and let you know

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
For the video Encoding:
What does it do? Does it keep the orginal video and makes a second version of it? (like if u want to use a main version and a mobile version?
Or does it encode the uploaded video completely and the original is removed?

I didn't add that, just added an ffmpeg command editor.


error from video edit gone but changes not save i try to add some views and do not keep the new value ,
preroll ads when you add one value to the timer either start or stop the other takes the same value and i see the timer is not working when you watch the video (jwplayer) if you find a fix alex at least for the video edit it will be fine for me the new vibe is a joy really like it

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

You need to give me your errors from the log to realise what's going on.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Btw, do you clear cache? Cause if you don't, the value won't change outside the admin panel before cache expires.


Hi! Found a bag:

When you make the video users only it turns it to everybody automatically and as a result it doesn't display the "you must login" message. Fix that! @Alexander


Alexander, I appreciate all of the work you have put into polishing up this product for its final release, but it's a little concerning that I keep posting questions and suggestions here which seem to casually get ignored. Is there a problem with what I have reported so far or have I missed something I should know?

Here are the posts:
Quote from: Hersh on
I keep forgetting to mention, you should probably update the facebook comments code to make it responsive. The CSS hack doesn't really work.

Anyway, in case other uses want to know, here is what you should do:

in /lib/comments.php

On line 7, find:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>						
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="730" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';

Replace with:
/* Facebook video comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.video_url($video->id,$video->title).'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>
} else {
/* Facebook comments */	
return '<div id="coments" class="fb-comments" data-href="'.canonical().'" data-width="100%" data-num-posts="15" data-notify="true"></div>';

Quote from: Hersh on
By the way, Can you tell me what directive to use to disable caching in plugins without affecting the rest of the page? It's causing for my dynamic youtube video import plugin which relies on making ajax calls.


Quote from: Hersh on

...There is also another bug I forgot to report, which is how the Maintenance Mode is implemented. If you turn on maintenance mode but log out of the admin console, you are not able to log back in. I created a custom login template for the maintenance mode page, but I think you should include an admin login so that users do not accidentally lock themselves out.

Quote from: Hersh on

Another bug:

When playlist finishes playing the last video, it redirects to a 404 page.

Quote from: Hersh on
Alexander, one more thing you have yet to patch (aside from the player issue):

Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.

By the way, any chance you will implement a permissions feature for playlists? Just curious in case I decide to do it myself.


Quote from: Hersh on
It's a matter of user privacy. If a user does not want his/her playlist or viewing history disclosed to the public, they shouldn't have to. This is standard practice by all major sites which provide similar services (e.g YouTube). I understand this may seem trivial to you; hell, I don't personally care myself if people can see my playlist, but it's always better to err on the side of giving people Options rather than dictating it for them. Hope you understand. :)


If you do not have time to address any of these or they are not a priority, that is okay, but it would be courteous to say so rather than ignoring them altogether.



alex i confirm when i try to edit video and add more views it not save the new values and at preroll ads when you enter a value in the timer to start or stop the other gets the same value i clean the cache before and after each edit thank you for your work we wait when you can fix this.
also i have 2 errors i am not sure is related but here it is
[06-Apr-2015 18:05:58 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  unlink(/home/site/public_html/cache/full/1428326977_ca268ebe57d9b18d73e5cf087f043f07576d9d44): No such file or directory in /home/site/public_html/lib/fullcache.php on line 75
[06-Apr-2015 18:05:58 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/lib/fullcache.php:75) in /home/site/public_html/lib/rss.class.php on line 231

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, your errors just say that the php cannot delete the cache files. You should check ownership/permissions.
I've checked edit views on all websites, I can't confirm this error you are having...give server logs, also clear cache..

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

@Hersh I'm sorry, I didn't ignore you, I actually appreciate your contributions but I've been pretty zomby and in a hurry to release before the Easter holidays break, I will patch all that.


that is the errors i have in server logs
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:34 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=edit-video&vid=6962
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:34 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=edit-video&vid=6962
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:16 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 102, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=videos
[Mon Apr 06 17:39:16 2015] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: stdClass::$private in /home/mysite/public_html/moderator/edit-video.php on line 101, referer: http://mydomain.com/moderator/?sk=videos
hope this helps

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I've patched 3 more files, details: http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/client-debates/phpvibe-4-0-patches/

I can't see to make the playlist redirect to 404 on last video, it simply stops. Can you test again?
For cache disabling, nothing touches cache that up in load.php, maybe only adding an GET or an session to it and wrapping the cache in an if.
Maintenance, I know, will add a login panel to the admin (still some minor changes there to do).



I have trouble saving changes unpublished videos do not save changes

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on

I have trouble saving changes unpublished videos do not save changes

What changes? Can you be more specific? Unpublished videos only have restore and delete. You should clear cache after.


Quote from: Alexander on
What changes? Can you be more specific? Unpublished videos only have restore and delete. You should clear cache after.
edit name or category

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I can't reproduce this problem.  :confused:
Is this a fresh or upgrade? Is it patch 12 at least?
You refer to this right (attached)


Quote from: Alexander on
I can't reproduce this problem.  :confused:
Is this a fresh or upgrade? Is it patch 12 at least?
You refer to this right (attached)
Current subversion is 12 is an upgrade http://imgur.com/jCUWT1j

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
Current subversion is 12 is an upgrade http://imgur.com/jCUWT1j

Why do you have xclub installed? It's stated clearly that is not working with 4.0, is needs upgrading.


Quote from: Alexander on
Why do you have xclub installed? It's stated clearly that is not working with 4.0, is needs upgrading.
was already installed before upgrading

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Not sure why it shows up like that on your resolution, may be some css problem.
What OS, browser and browser version?
It could also be an broken format from that redtube link since it's for the old menu.


Good morning people! After upgrading from 3.6 to 4.0 got 2 errors:

1- I can not edit the home builder Homepage blocks: "/ Moderator / sk = homepage?". I try to change or create a new block and then save does not change.

2 - And Google Adsense ALSO NO appears no player Youtube:

Someone help me? Make Further loved THIS New Version! Congratulations to Phpvibe whole team. Thanks in advance already.


Question 1 resolved! I had sent the 4.0 files before running the sql updater. Now ran the sql before and after I sent the files 4.0 and it worked. I apologize \ o /


Updated correctly, and I have seen that the search lost focus. All research brings irrelevant results, and outside the exact search. Check out the print:


Personal more a little question:
How to make the playlists continuously touch after giving play in one of the listed songs?


I can vouch for the search issue. It tends to bring irrelevant results unless you type the exact title. It seems this started after fulltext search was implemented.



Recently, you you modified youtube.php to include imports by playlist, but it seems like there was a line changed which should not have been changed:

Line ~27:
$videosData = $v1->returnPlaylistVideosDatasByURL($url);

Should be changed back to:
$videosData = $v1->returnYoutubeVideosDatasByURL($url);


Quote from: marcosoliveira on
Question 1 resolved! I had sent the 4.0 files before running the sql updater. Now ran the sql before and after I sent the files 4.0 and it worked. I apologize \ o /

Hey Marcos, can you tell me how to run sql updater?


make sure the file sqlupdater.php is in the root and visit your site in your browser like this http://yoursiteaddress.com/sqlupdater.php


Following the steps mentioned by Phpvibe team the update happens correctly. To upgrade from version 3.6 to 4.0 first of all, to back up and then:

1 - Send the sqlupdater.php file in the root of the installed site
2 - Run the file accessing www.seusite.com/sqlupdater.php
3 - Follow the instructions as explained by Phpvibe team. You will need to send the update files to overwrite the files of the previous version 3.6 for example.


Thanks guys! I hope to have helped up. Do any of you know how to turn on continuous playback of the playlist? For my playlists grip "Play" and he plays only one song. There have to be pressing play on every song.
I wanted to push the upper right button "Play" touched all videos non-stop until the end. Like the example site:  :D

Print: http://prntscr.com/6swzsp


there is a module in the admin section to bulk upload youtube videos... can there be one to bulk upload images as well... http://www.uploadify.com/ allows for bulk uploads and it uses the file title as the image title on the website... please consider this. i'm more into images than videos.


Quote from: marcosoliveira on
Following the steps mentioned by Phpvibe team the update happens correctly. To upgrade from version 3.6 to 4.0 first of all, to back up and then:

1 - Send the sqlupdater.php file in the root of the installed site
2 - Run the file accessing www.seusite.com/sqlupdater.php
3 - Follow the instructions as explained by Phpvibe team. You will need to send the update files to overwrite the files of the previous version 3.6 for example.

By following the above steps, i always get an error....page not found....any more suggestions?


Quote from: marcosoliveira on
Thanks guys! I hope to have helped up. Do any of you know how to turn on continuous playback of the playlist? For my playlists grip "Play" and he plays only one song. There have to be pressing play on every song.
I wanted to push the upper right button "Play" touched all videos non-stop until the end. Like the example site:  :D

Print: http://prntscr.com/6swzsp

You will need to enable autostart on your video player. If you are using JW Player, open up class.providers.php and find a line that starts with:

jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", modes: [{ type: "html5" }, { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }], stretching: "uniform",  width: "100%",  stagevideo: true, aspectratio:"16:9"';

After ".setup({", Add:
autostart: "true",

It should look something like this:
jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ autostart: "true", primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", modes: [{ type: "html5" }, { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }], stretching: "uniform",  width: "100%",  stagevideo: true, aspectratio:"16:9"';



Thank Hersh! Wow, had long been wanting to enable it. Thank you very much! \o/


Quote from: ASDF on

By following the above steps, i always get an error....page not found....any more suggestions?

Hi ASDF, with me also happened something like that.

I was initially running sqlupdater.php update correctly. Of course after the backup version of the file 3.6.

For the first inviar all files 4.0 and the underwriting of 3.6 gives an error when running sqlupdater.php.

So try to send first sqlupdater.php in the root folder of your site, then run it by accessing www.seusite.com/sqlupdater.php. If you are a subdomain send and follow the example subdomain folder: www.seusite.seusite.com/sqlupdater.php.

Then send (update 4.0 files that are in the "Upgrade Files" folder) endorsing the version 3.6. And follow the remaining instructions manual described by PHPVibe team here in the Forum.

That done, you will update successfully.

For me worked just right.  :D


Dear Alexander!

Dear Team PHPViBe Support!

I just update version 3.6 to 4.0 I have 3 problem..
1..My banding removal not ok with version 4.0, 3.6 ok...
2..Result search in hompage is not correct...In manager video admin is correct..!
3. I can't update setting my edit tittle or description video.....!

Thanks you your support.!


Firstly...remove the branding removal tool, you already have installed for 3.6...totally remove it...and then upload it again.....make sure there is only 1 plugin folder in your root folder.
I don't think i can tell about your second problem....but you should try overwriting your files and make sure you have v4.0 (patch 14)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
I can vouch for the search issue. It tends to bring irrelevant results unless you type the exact title. It seems this started after fulltext search was implemented.

Unfortunately Full text search always will add some not relevant results up....but when we had an "like" query everybody was complaining the full text was better...


After upgrading one of my sites where I update is giving error everytime I try to change a recorded video.
For example, I'll go edit video, mute a title and saved. Then will I access it and the change is not made.
How do I fix this bug?

But the site I created directly with version 4.0 did not give any error.

The error only happens on this site that had version 3.6 on it. The rest of the site is working perfect.


Personal congratulations version 4.0 is much faster and the other visitors length of stay increased \ o /


Quote from: marcosoliveira on
After upgrading one of my sites where I update is giving error everytime I try to change a recorded video.
For example, I'll go edit video, mute a title and saved. Then will I access it and the change is not made.
How do I fix this bug?

But the site I created directly with version 4.0 did not give any error.

The error only happens on this site that had version 3.6 on it. The rest of the site is working perfect.

For example: I have included the number 2 in front of the Title and saved. Even after saving it changes nothing. Check out the print: http://prntscr.com/6uqnhm

Thanks in advance again!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi Marcos, anything in your error_log related to that? Did you apply latest patches (or is it a fresh, yesterday, downloaded copy?).
Did you clear cache from the admin panel?
I'm looking for a way to name the cache files so they can be deleted on request (like, edit, etc).
When you edit the video, if you click edit again, does the form have the new values or the old ones?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

@conghandang you need to give more details so I can help you, like this, I can just overlook your topic knowing that those errors don't manifest globally.


Hello Alexander all good? Not applied the new Patches yet. How do I apply them on the new version 4.0?
About this error, it does not make a change in the videos. The Home Builder's editions are oks. Only when I post a new video and I try to edit does not save the changes. Or when I try to change a antido video he did not apply the changes. This happened only on my site after upgrade from 3.6 to 4.0.
Look another screen print: http://prntscr.com/6uv35g
Where do I see the error log? In the panel only get the message below after saving:
".vtt Subtitles are supported in Both jwPlayer6 and VideoJS! .srt Only in jwPlayer6"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

The error_log is on the server, depending on your panel you can find this info via google (ex: cpanel error log location) or your hosting company.
I've checked over and over again this issue, it's not in 4.0, maybe in the upgrade process, I need an error to realise what's happening.

You can also change at the top of moderator/index.php the error_reporting(0) to error_reporting(E_ALL)


Thank you Alexander. Follows the print of the attempt to change the title of the video and then the report of cpanel errors not appointed any recent error:
Print the attempted change: http://prntscr.com/6we16f
Cpanel error log blank: http://prntscr.com/6we220


I try to edit, save, and even repeating several times can not apply the change. Really started after upgrading from 3.6 to 4.0. It must have been a bug in the process I did update. Even wiping cache does not.


Quote from: Alexander on
Unfortunately Full text search always will add some not relevant results up....but when we had an "like" query everybody was complaining the full text was better...

I understand, but search is really important. And while it is indeed true that fulltext search is better than LIKE %query%, it is only as powerful as the queries you run. I would recommend reading this as a resource on how to properly implement full text search:

Hopefully you guys can do this sooner than later, because right now, search is completely useless. Try it for yourself and see.



I am trying to place an AD, above the images on the images page but when I put the ad code on the page the ad doesn't show up. Can someone please help...

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
I understand, but search is really important. And while it is indeed true that fulltext search is better than LIKE %query%, it is only as powerful as the queries you run. I would recommend reading this as a resource on how to properly implement full text search:

Hopefully you guys can do this sooner than later, because right now, search is completely useless. Try it for yourself and see.


I didn't build that, but I don't see the difference? Sorry, must be pretty tired, will check again. I know Mario read alot on it.
Can you give some results not showing?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: elitepromo on
I am trying to place an AD, above the images on the images page but when I put the ad code on the page the ad doesn't show up. Can someone please help...

What are you doing? Are you clearing cache?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Oh, there is no spot there, just create one, like open

tpl/main/othermedia.php and around


place and created code for an ad spot (you can do it in the admin panel).


how to disable the autoplay on Jwplayer?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
how to disable the autoplay on Jwplayer?

I don't see any autoplay tag on jwplayer, what version of PHPVibe are you using?


PHPvibe 4.0

I was wrong I want to disable autoplay Jplayer

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, remove this line (see attachement) in lib/class.providers.php



YouTube has discontinued V2, effective April 22. I am now getting "Device Support" errors for API calls. Any day now, video imports are going to totally stop working.

How is this going to be addressed? The writing has been on the wall for a while so I would be surprised if you guys (Mario) hasn't had any plans for this.

It needs to be resolved fairly soon.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, the v3 integration is almost done, it was not addressed in public because I think you've already noticed that people around here tend to push push and push.


Hey alexander are there any plans to add sitemap, video sitemap, and image sitemap to the script?


Quote from: Alexander on
Hi, the v3 integration is almost done, it was not addressed in public because I think you've already noticed that people around here tend to push push and push.

Okay, great. Thanks for the update. I totally understand the reasons.

Will the v3 integration come as part of a separate update with a new version number or do you expect to do it as part of PHPVibe v4?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

You need to code them, just saying I could do it...not sure what to say :)
I'm here to help with guidance, not build custom stuff, read the rules!


como adicono menu em baixo do site.?


I tried to translate this text manually "Most Viewed" "Most Liked" and "Most Commented"
I change text:  tpl/videolist.php
"<Span class =" title "> <? Php echo _ lang ('Most Viewed');?> </ Span>"
I do not see any change, I empty cache. But, perhaps, wait for change as "loading next"

this is right?

thank you you did a huge job and in addition its better now taught to use a website :)
sorry i use google translation




Something long lack of updates and new Themes ;)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
I tried to translate this text manually "Most Viewed" "Most Liked" and "Most Commented"
I change text:  tpl/videolist.php
"<Span class =" title "> <? Php echo _ lang ('Most Viewed');?> </ Span>"
I do not see any change, I empty cache. But, perhaps, wait for change as "loading next"

this is right?

thank you you did a huge job and in addition its better now taught to use a website :)
sorry i use google translation

Create an english language from admin, with code 'en', edit in that language file, not in code. Set it as default language.


in it there's no translation for this page.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I see Most Viewed in my language terms, and
_ lang ('Most Viewed');
does exactly this, it makes the term translatable.


Quote from: Hersh on
You will need to enable autostart on your video player. If you are using JW Player, open up class.providers.php and find a line that starts with:

jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", modes: [{ type: "html5" }, { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }], stretching: "uniform",  width: "100%",  stagevideo: true, aspectratio:"16:9"';

After ".setup({", Add:
autostart: "true",

It should look something like this:
jwplayer("video-setup").setup({ autostart: "true", primary : "html5",  file: "' . $file . '",  image: "' . $thumb . '", modes: [{ type: "html5" }, { type: "flash", src: "' . site_url() . 'lib/players/jwplayer/player.swf" }], stretching: "uniform",  width: "100%",  stagevideo: true, aspectratio:"16:9"';

Thanks :D


cant find to translate /videos/most-viewed/

in language file its not included for that spot :


and where to change the icon-heart images?
want switch or remove: http://i60.tinypic.com/2hnoytx.png


Video.PHP.  e.   Videoloop.php


thanks for your help... but..still get stuck on tabname
can u show me where to put " MEEST BEKEKEN" instead... class="tab <?php aTab(mostviewed);?>">

<a href="<?php echo list_url(mostviewed); ?>" class="tab <?php aTab(mostviewed);?>">
            <span class="content">
              <span class="title"><?php echo _lang('Most Viewed'); ?></span>
            <span class="count"><?php echo _lang('Selected by views'); ?></span>


hmmm its not tab its </3></h3> filled from url? /videos/most-viewed/

Marius P.

Quote from: interbizmedia on
thanks for your help... but..still get stuck on tabname
can u show me where to put " MEEST BEKEKEN" instead... class="tab <?php aTab(mostviewed);?>">

<a href="<?php echo list_url(mostviewed); ?>" class="tab <?php aTab(mostviewed);?>">
            <span class="content">
              <span class="title"><?php echo _lang('Most Viewed'); ?></span>
            <span class="count"><?php echo _lang('Selected by views'); ?></span>

This is very simple to figure out, even the span is called "title" :
<span class="title"><?php echo _lang('Most Viewed'); ?></span>

But why not translate it from the language editor in the admin?

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Quote from: @Mario on
This is very simple to figure out, even the span is called "title" :
<span class="title"><?php echo _lang('Most Viewed'); ?></span>

But why not translate it from the language editor in the admin?

I report same problem. If i want ,i can change this word but then i see Utf-8 turkish charchter problem.When you will fix it ? And do you have idea for thish problem ?


i need to use google analizer for embed player, how to ad analizer code on embed player,

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