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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe PRO v3.5 [RELEASED]

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Is it the same Youtube video (look at the id in Youtube's link)?

Marius P.

Added vine video details grabbing: title, description,image, fixed duration (6 seconds rule).
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 Autocomplete Search without thumbnails? (Like Youtube)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Mario is on fire. Love how the new header is coming along.


Quote from: Alexander on
Mario is on fire. Love how the new header is coming along.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: identicalmedia on


You can upload mp3 the same way you upload a video.


Quote from: Alexander on
Mario is on fire. Love how the new header is coming along.

I love this change looks much much better.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: x5000x on
I love this change looks much much better.

Still small stuff here and there on design part, reducing css and js size, merging some files, etc.


Quote from: Alexander on
Still small stuff here and there on design part, reducing css and js size, merging some files, etc.

Alex, That is good move because at the moment SEO score is 54%  ;D


Quote from: Alexander on
Why not use Youtube's one for the job, it's less resource expensive :)

Alex Do not be a Cheapskate!

The user experience is more important than the system resource.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ArnaudeBertrand on
The user experience is more important than the system resource.

I'm not, I don't code it  :D

I just hate removing functions on every upgrade :)
Such a feature would bring my load very high, and to who ever has an established PHPVibe website with traffic.


Can you please give a final release date? I hate to be rude but we keep getting "a couple more days" and that day never comes. I am trying to get my site up. I bought the script from you and some plugins from another site. Things are not working and when I ask for help I am always told wait for the new release and when I try to get help for the third part addins they tell me they were asked by you to wait until the new release and I am here stuck and the script is not functioning properly.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

If it's not finished by monday, we will release all the extras planned as plugins.
Sorry, we don't work exclusively on PHPVibe, and sometimes our development services get in the way.


Hallo Guys

Can you make  possible that we can to select  " Don't  convert mp4 videos " for mp4 format  and let it make only the thumb and upload original video ?


Guys don't forget to size everything properly for the mobile and tablet view.

The suggested videos on the video page scrolls very slow on the mobile. I think it would be best if you leave this as something still like youtube, which will load faster.

The video page does not fit the video into the actual player, it's smaller. Also on the profile page the profile image shows but the actual banner might not because of the size. I think decreasing this will help.

All in all guys this looks insane! And much better than the 3.4 so well done. Would love to see more colour options, not to mention a blog page!  :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: magomed2000 on
Hallo Guys

Can you make  possible that we can to select  " Don't  convert mp4 videos " for mp4 format  and let it make only the thumb and upload original video ?


.mp4 are not reconverted at all.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: j9uddin on
Would love to see more colour options, not to mention a blog page!  :)

It's a replace in file to change it's color :) Change the orange to what ever color you choose in tpl/main/css/vibe.style.css by replacing #eb6a5a

Blog page coming.

Not sure about all the other features, today we had a total melt down here at the office.


When is the 3.5 version releasing ? Why is live search not there? Why is xyz system not there ? Why is blog page not there ? Why is blah blah not there ?

Trust me I also have such questions in mind but seeing the work you guys are doing and providing us the script at such low price, I will try never to ask such questions cos I know it increase the pressure on developers and work quality is always better without any pressure.

Just want to say that you guys are working GREAT and providing a platform which will enable many people like me to create amazing video site.



for me Quality matters, so no rush take another one month but give us rock solid product.
unfinished product never good for customer and company reputation.
so take time give ur best.  :)


Please Add features to PHPVibe 3.5

1) Sitemap
2) Rss


Quote from: ajitsingh on
for me Quality matters, so no rush take another one month but give us rock solid product.
unfinished product never good for customer and company reputation.
so take time give ur best.  :)

True but if you have been reading this thread then you would understand that alot of people need the update because they put their business on pause for a more stable release. So don't piss them off.

Yes we want the best possible update but did we pay you to be throwing in extra time? No. So don't throw in an extra month if you don't have a right because people have targets to meet. We are not people looking to start a video sharing site selling amazon ads on a shared host with other peoples videos to be waiting all of march for this release. Just saying...



How about this, when a video is imported from youtube and it is deleted by youtube, the video gets a grey image and the video will no longer play. This is happening so much to me and takes hours to delete. This is the biggest issue I am having as it takes hours to delete the videos and the next day, there is 200 more to delete. Its very time consuming.



Also why is 3.5 coming out if a stable 3.4 release is not out? I am a little confused about this as I am running my site on a beta version because I do not want to only use the 3.3 stable. Thanks


@j9uddinL: Go buy script worth $2000 and get updates and stable version.

No one is pissing of people waiting for long, its just that if you have bought script at low price & from a growing company, you will have to WAIT.

@joey6969: Name of stable 3.4 version has been set as 3.5. Correct me if I am wrong.

PS: I am one of the most impatient person in world but after seeing the work and its progress and comparing with previous versions I have trust on these guys.


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