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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problem with JWplayer6 and .......

Started by Ariana,

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ArianaTopic starter

The Jwplayer new 6 is not working for me but only the version 5 is working.

And i tried to make some default videos but not working how can i do that you can see the example for on this link - > http://prntscr.com/3w5ypm
3rd Question is it possible to make the player smaller i mean between is the player on right is related videos so playlists on other side left side ??

PHPVibe A.

Hi, you need to show me a link, I can't figure it like this.

ArianaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

For the player, I see the css/js loaded from mediaelement.
What's your selection under "Players config" in admin?

For the picture and what you are asking, I don't really understand what you need and trying to say... make "video default"?

And for related videos, you want to move them on the left? From the right of the player to the left?

ArianaTopic starter

Here is an example you can see it -> http://prntscr.com/3wrc3d

It is from another website i want to make the recent videos the default videos on my homepage
when i add new videos it should be on homepage + some other categories above recent videos and so on below it LIKE FUNNY VIDEOS category etc.

And for the player i mean how can i make this column ->> http://prntscr.com/3wre8d SMALLER the width is very wider i want to make it smaller.

Well my selection under the Player config in admin when i select JW player Youtube's PlayerJwPlayer version
Old 5 it is ok but  if i select New 6 i have this error ->> http://prntscr.com/3wrg3t
And i want this player for my website  ->> http://prntscr.com/3wrgm1

PHPVibe A.

I don't get what is the problem, the boxes for the homepage are defined in homepage builder in admin, and you choose what you want, and which positioning.

For video page width, simply drop a:
.video-holder {

at the end of css/vibe.style.css in theme.

Change 1100 to your desired value.

For player, I'll look into it.

The other player, the one you want, is vimeo's player, in case I'm not getting you wrong.
It would be better if you place live links, and not screenshots, because from printscreens I can't understand much or see what is actually there.

ArianaTopic starter

Thank you dear the first problem is solved
the 2nd one with width on vibe/stlye.css where is this folder located i found it there are 2 files css/vibe.style.css and css/vibe.style.css_ but on both i didnt found this piece of code
.video-holder {
With the player here is the live link check it out i have selected Jwplayer 6 it says loading the player........



PHPVibe A.

vibe.style.css_ is a backup, vibe.style.css is the correct file.
You just need to add that code to the bottom of the file, and change the size to fit your needs.

For player, try to apply this
Let's see if everything is fine after.

ArianaTopic starter

Thank you i added the code it worked but now how to make it in center i think it is floating now on left side


And the player problem is not fixed where can i find this code ??

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

PHPVibe A.

com/com_video.php on line 46

My bad:

.body-video #wrapper {
max-width: 1040px!important;
margin-top: 58px;

this is the css you should use, the other works but won't center.

ArianaTopic starter

I have used this code $vid->VideoProvider() on com/com_video.php on line 46
Still the player is not working  :-\

PHPVibe A.

Ok, change it all

if((get_option('remote-player',1) == 1) || (get_option('choosen-player',1) == 1) || ($video->media == "2") || $vid->VideoProvider == "youtube")	{					 
add_filter( 'addplayers', 'jwplayersup' );  

add_filter( 'addplayers', 'jwplayersup' ); 

ArianaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

I don't see the js files for jwplayer in the head of the website, just for mediaelement. Are you sure you've replaced it?

ArianaTopic starter

i have now Jwplayer but if i select any other player like FLOW it is not working

PHPVibe A.

It's because jwplayer it's called first.
will rework it shortly in a patch.

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