[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] site duplication

Started by hunt07777,

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hunt07777Topic starter


I want to create 2 sites.. that share the same database...
The files are on 2 separate servers, but they share the one db on the one server.
2 different IP's, 2 different domain names...

In the PHP vibe_config.php, what changes would I need to make bud.. to make this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Marius P.

Site-url, sitename, etc, just don't touch the database.
However, you will have a problem as uploaded files on one website will show as not found on the other...
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hunt07777Topic starter

Well, I don't do any uploading of files, so that should be ok. But how can I access a database across servers? I want to use 2 separate servers.

I use "local" host as server name now...
and I use Hostmonster as a server.. how can I connect across servers?

Also.. if the sitename is conflicting.. will this cause an issue?

And in your opinion.. is this effort futile if the content is the same?

Will google pick up on the same content? And if so...
Would my effort be more effective by just using a redirect, or a php domain mask?

Thanks Mario for your input. Thanks bud.

Marius P.

Google will most probably ban at least one of them, or keep them really low in results.
Idk what to answer you on the database, this it's server config, if mysql allows remote connexion, if so, on which port and host...i can't help you with this, only hosting can.
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