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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Starter hosting upload problem

Started by krejcis,

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krejcisTopic starter

Hi Mario or other experts:-),
I purchased the phph vibe and I am using your starter hosting offer for 3 months. I have one big issue and I really don´t know from where it comes.

The local upload function is not working for me correctly...it doesn´t matter if it is image or video. But it is not possible for my users to upload own videos/images now..I gues it is a server problem or?

what I observed:
- it is possible upload for example image correctly whe I am connected in the new network ( wifi) but only once.. If I will upload second image the upload is not possible.
- video conversion is not working.. I uploaded somehow .MP4 but the file wasn´t possible to play on the web..

Can you please let me know what to change in setting or where is  the bug?? cronjob???ffmpeg?? etc....

If yoou need pass to cpanel or admin let me know please. Anyway please try to upload (test) image for example in goprotube.com..

Thanks for support.


Marius P.

Hi Jan,

first things first: what's the fail symptom? Did you setup it? Are /media and /uploads chmod 0777? (writable)
What is the issue with user uploads? Are they getting error or is it disabled? If is disabled you can allow them from settings.
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krejcisTopic starter

Hi Mario:
- all required files are set to 0777
-  Please try to upload image, or short video  - logout and login again and upload something again. It is simply not possible to upload more pictures..Maybe first upload of image will pass, but then it is not working... when you will upload video (.mp4) then the video is not possible to watch. It has something to do with crons? or crons are only for youtube import?

your login detail for upload testing:
pass: *****


Marius P.


http://www.goprotube.com/video/190/baby/ (mp4)
http://www.goprotube.com/video/191/cows/ (flv, stuck)

What are your settings under FFMPEG?

Both bin path and ffmpeg command.

Make sure they are like in this picture.
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Marius P.

Nevermind, the flv is processed and works, so is not anything ffmpeg related.

So, where is the problem?
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Marius P.

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krejcisTopic starter

.mp4 format is most important for me. I really don´t know why it is not working.. Please try to upload one more picture.

If you will not see upload problem it is possible to somehow debug my problem and send you a logs?

Marius P.

Did, http://www.goprotube.com/video/193/motivational/ no problem, all fast...
Did you try another device/browser? Maybe something to do with your OS on device?
How does it behave for you?
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krejcisTopic starter

So it is strange.. I tried this:
video upload:
- upload process is correct
- http://www.goprotube.com/video/194/gopr0521-mp4/
result: error loading media...

image upload:
- choose fimage for upload O.K.
- image is displayed in upload contextO.K. (see attached screen)
- all  required fields are filled O.K.
- press upload
- loading  for moment and the jump to defaul image upload screen. all filled fields are blank ...

!!!!sometimes it is possible upload image correctly, but in most of cases it is not possible...
I tried it also with another web connection, with FF browser, with IE browser,

What do you recommend, if you need admin login or ftp pass let me know...

also upload via mobile device is not possible, but it is maybe another story...I did´t care till now about mobile device upload.


krejcisTopic starter

another hints:
- video is correctly copied to the server, but for no reason the error is displayed when you want it play
-for image upload: it seems that some timeout for uploading or connecting the server will be the proble...I dont know..really interesting is that sometimes it is OK sometimes not.

Marius P.

This video plays for me?

Can you remove and reinstall your flash player?
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krejcisTopic starter

How to do that? Should I reinstal complete phpvibe? Give me some steps please or if sombody from your team can fix this it will be nice..


Quote from: krejcis on
How to do that? Should I reinstal complete phpvibe? Give me some steps please or if sombody from your team can fix this it will be nice..

He means on your computer.. not the website..

or try a different computer

krejcisTopic starter


Marius P.

I'm not sure what is to fix, since an script error is stuck with every visitor/user...not just with a particular one.
What's on your pc (OS, flash version)?
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