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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Trouble Shooting Video Playing

Started by PHPClient,

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PHPClientTopic starter

I have finally begun to populate my site (via xClub/RedTube Import feature) with 1,000's of videos and I am running into an interesting problem.

Before I explain, please me share that I am Grabbing videos as remote (mp4), Yes to Autopush, No to Duplicates, advanced settings 2/0/800 pages, using Category import.

Here's what happening:

Certain videos will play with one player and not with another

JWPlayer will fail to play a video and if I reload the page 2-3 times, it'll sometimes push the play function through and work.

Any idea what is causing this and if there's a fix? - Because of this player issue, the site looks to be populated with almost 50% broken links.  Did I do something wrong on my end? Should I clear out categories and reload them to fix?

For next update can the script comb through database and test for broken links to delete them?

Also, to delete a video, must I always "unpublish" and then "permanently delete?" or is there a way to "permanently delete" without having to go through unpublish option?


PHPClientTopic starter

It seems like the same is true with FlowPlayer HTML5.  If I push a video through 2-4 times via "Reload" or "Refresh" of the page (using both IE9 and Google Chrome), it'll push the video through and play.  Otherwise, the 1st and sometimes 2nd attempt don't play the video and an error message appears.

Thanks again for giving this issue attention


PHPClientTopic starter

Continued testing Video Play issue more, specifically with JwPlayer and it looks like all the videos play, I just have to continue reloading until it finally works, which means that Video Player or Video Players are timing-out for some reason.  With some refreshing screen works the 1st time and with others it takes 5-6 times.

Marius P.

I can explain you the process itself: Redtube stores the videos on a cdn and has an key which authorizes the video play (hotlink protection), PHPVibe attempts to grab the key on every play via cUrl.
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PHPClientTopic starter


Thanks for getting back to me on that concern.  I am aware now that hash is grabbed via cUrl. 

1.  What do you speculate could be the issue that a video via RedTube doesn't load 1st time and loads 2nd, 3rd, 4th (after refreshing page)?

2.  Can I adjust or test parameter of: Hash grab interval, Hash grab lastrun or Current Hash for better result?

3.  How can I change Error message on JwPlayer to read from, " Error loading media: File could not be played " to " Server Busy: Please reload page for video" ?

There has to be a fix for this, since the function eventually works after enough refreshing of page.  Is there anyone else experiencing this issue with a XClub site with many external video links hidden with PHP Vibe?

Thank you Mario and Everyone! :cool:

Marius P.

1, 2 the key is no longer as before (same key lasting 1 day or half day, so you can't cache it), you have to request a new one every page load (which I know, sucks!). I'm thinking to move redtube grabbing to an actual video downloader (I'm testing om misterdevil.com)
3. lib/players/jwplayer/jwplayer.html5.js on a quick search has:

a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR,{message:"Error loading media: File could not be played"}
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PHPClientTopic starter

Excellent Product/ Excellent Support!  O0

Re: RedTube uploader, I guess I should just be happy that I can #1 Fill my website with 100,000 videos in 1-day (lol) and #2 Use someone else's bandwidth to view them.  :cool:

RedTube Uploader is still an excellent plug-in and the occasional error message is no big deal; the user can just reload the page if needed to push it through.

Besides, when some of us guys come across a clip we want to see, we'll reload the page 100 times, if that's what it takes. Hahahahahaha

RedTube Mass Downloader - Nice idea and a good add-on to have, but the amount of terabytes I would need to fill my adult site (MP4s are rather large files) and keep it current with content would be CRAZY, not to mention bandwidth consumption. lol

How about embedding adult videos using any other popular adult sites or a work-around RedTube's hash updates?


Marius P.

Not sure what the work around would be for that, we need to face that this will end (is normal, one day redtube will find a permanent solution to leaching) so we will have the two major options : their iframe embed (which got better, finally!) or the mp4 download.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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