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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Very slow performance after upgrade to 3.6

Started by hamnawa,

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hamnawaTopic starter


I am facing very slow performance sometimes it is not accessible at all. I tried to upgrade from 3.4 to 3.6 I even tried a fresh installation on two different servers.

The entire server speed was suddenly down from 190 kbps to 20-40 kbps per second.

Navigating to the website takes way more than expected.


made a fresh installation and i have the same problem.
when I go to my site http://test.lolwatchers.com/ it loads very very slow,
but when I go to the main domain http://lolwatchers.com/ its very fast.

i dont know what to do...

PHPVibe A.

It loads pretty fast for me, your test.
I'm not sure what even would affect performance, since 3.6 is actually 50kb lighter than 3.5 and the changes are not targeting any queries, or anything crucial/global.

hamnawaTopic starter

But for me it is too slow after browsing the website the entire server goes down.

I tried 3 different servers now I am forced to downgrade.

Where and How should start the troubleshooting to find the issue.

Also I am getting alerts from my hosting provider even in the currently installed version (3.4) that the script is causing high CPU issue on the server.

PHPVibe A.


You may have problems with shel_exec, and timings of cron.

You may want to remove the cron from index.php (it's commented) and move it to an cpanel crontab.

hamnawaTopic starter

Could you please guide which code should I remove from index.php I have now removed following code:

/* Crons trigger */
if(function_exists('exec')) {
$time_passed = time() - get_option('cron_lastrun');
$cron_interval = get_option('cron_interval');

if( $time_passed  > $cron_interval) {
$arrOutput = '';
update_option('cron_lastrun', time());
$command = "/usr/local/bin/php -f ".ABSPATH."/cron.php";
exec( "$command > /dev/null &", $arrOutput );
//end sitewide

And deleted cron.php from root folder. Question is am i doing it right? also How to add crom in cpanel?

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