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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problem uploading files HELP!!!!!

Started by NeoLancer,

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NeoLancerTopic starter

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Greetings took 3 days trying to upload content through the script but I can not, I've checked everything on the server and seems to be ok, but somehow I keep getting this error when uploading mp3 or video.

Bad Response: 500 Internal Server Error

My settings on the server is in the screens

I uploaded the files that you give to check compatibility with the script server and all ok!



PHPVibe A.

Hi, try to disable suhosin, recheck foloder permissions and restart the apache server.

NeoLancerTopic starter


NeoLancerTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

There are a few things to tweak around. So let's take it one by one.

First, safe mode should be off, it limits a lot if it's on. It's even in the requirements http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/
Make you restart the apache service after every change.

NeoLancerTopic starter


NeoLancerTopic starter

Besides this slow navigation that?? technical support to tell me that you should help

"Hi John,

Please do contact the script provider Peak Gust Regarding This Issue May have a suitable work around for you and know exactly where the issue lays.


HostUpon Web Hosting
www.HostUpon.com "
Twitter: @ HostUpon

PHPVibe A.

You can apply this solution for the resources issues http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/just-installed-and-20-cron-jobs/msg16798/#msg16798

There's not much you can do on this shared hosting packs because the resources are very limited and there are an tone of security issues which prevent the uploads of large files.
The main concern of an shared hosting is that nobody breaks the server where they fit hundreds or thousand sites, not to allow you to do what ever you want and need.

NeoLancerTopic starter


Please refer to ticket 226258 . * I * CAN NOT fix this for you . In fact , Easier to Make That , I have merged your two tickets in other ticket With That So THAT all of our communications Regarding This specific problem are in one place for you .

Restarting apache will * NOT * fix this issue , and your responses to our most recent ticket system Could be Considered abusive . Please do not do that again . Apache is not what has failed here . Your site is slow Because our server is throttling your account due to abusive activity if left unchecked That Would have crashed the server yesterday! The server itself is operating exactly as it's designed to do .

As I said before , you * MUST * contact your script developer to find out why it is doing that. You have literally Hundreds of requests a minute going to the same two files ( / public_html / cron.php and / public_html / geek / cron.php ) and it is * THIS * That activity is overloading your account . Until you can find a solution You should follow my suggestion and rename These two files to something That does * not * end in. " Php" .

Once you do , your resource usage Should come down and your site should return to mostly average. You will then need to work with your script developer to find out * WHY * it is doing that.

HostUpon Support Team
Twitter: @ HostUpon

NeoLancerTopic starter

the server is operating perfectly fine
it is your script..
contact the script provider
8:32 amyour script is affecting the entire server and everyone else hosted on the server
contact the script provider to resolve this issue asap

PHPVibe A.

I've already given you the solution for that

Quote from: Alexander on
You can apply this solution for the resources issues http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/just-installed-and-20-cron-jobs/msg16798/#msg16798

did you apply it?

You should apply it for both installs.

NeoLancerTopic starter


NeoLancerTopic starter

worked ok, not this slow navigation, but it? I still can not upload anything.

Current file: 100% 0KB/0KB
Total: 1/1 files 0/7379KB
Bad Response: 500 Internal Server Error

Marius P.

NeoLancer what are the permissions on the:


folders? Are they 0777? If so, does your host allow 0777? Cause some allow max 0755, have you tried it?

When dealing with suhosin (you can uncheck it 1 million times, not gonna be disabled on a shared), the suhosin itself has an .ini file which has an max upload file size that overwrites the apache's one.
So basic debugging question, if you try to upload an mp4 file smaller than 1 mb, does it work?
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

NeoLancerTopic starter

a second brother I'm validating, it seems that already but still validating!...

NeoLancerTopic starter

ok now let me upload files, but apparently taking zeros.

Validating a bit more I realize that the file has actually gone up but ... when you want to take the script puts it well

The route is poorly indexed look:


and the file exists in the ftp but this folder


Ineed fix please!!

PHPVibe A.

There is no error there. The localfile from sql is replaced to http://www.siteurl.com/media/ when embedding.
Do you use ffmpeg, have you configured it? If not, shut it down from the admin "Crons & FFMPEG" and try again.
You should really go trough all config options before expecting results.

NeoLancerTopic starter


NeoLancerTopic starter

Did what you asked but does not work, this descativado (see picture)
I was doing testing and work if the player to change the version (5) (see picture)

PHPVibe A.

Did you upload an new file after changing the settings?

NeoLancerTopic starter


NeoLancerTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

I don't think hide path works with Easy Video Player in all browsers. You can use the real link if you want EVP, use the setting in "Player's config".

NeoLancerTopic starter



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