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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] problem with vibe 3.6b

Started by tesladisk,

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tesladiskTopic starter

hi all things was good until today when i enter my website and login i get only once

Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): The IV parameter must be as long as the blocksize in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 88

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 226

Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 253

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php:88) in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 276

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php:88) in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 21

After i do not see this again is something i must fix ? users also experience this but only one time after this one time stops thanks

tesladiskTopic starter

i also get this Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/vaperstu/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 226

it happens once a day and sfter all run smooth but is a problem for the users they think the page is broken and bounce

Marius P.

Why you keep print error active?
That's cause of a cookie being deteriorated, or expired but present. Will tight the check up.
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tesladiskTopic starter

how i turn it off?
and how can i fix the problem is some workaround to patch it temporary ?

tesladiskTopic starter

offtopic : i try to see ultima theme live and page show broken i am with firefox i try also with chrome and is broken also


I had this exact same problem the other day with my firfox browser.
It happened after installing an add on script called NoScript Security Suite.. I deleted the script because it cause problems on all websites.. but still had the problem with phpVibe.

To get rid of the problem I deleted all cookies and cache.. I logged back in to my moderator and everything was fine after.

tesladiskTopic starter

i do not have this script but i do have adblock plus in firefox but is disabled for my website never have issues with that before i will remove it and delete cookie to see what happens


i use adblock plus and do not have a problem with it.. could have also been the recent upgrade of firefox to 33.0.2

try a different browser also

Marius P.

Quote from: tesladisk on
offtopic : i try to see ultima theme live and page show broken i am with firefox i try also with chrome and is broken also

You can see it here live http://videoinedit.com/ (works for me, but the server may have been down)
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tesladiskTopic starter

I manage to fix the problem by clean the cookie now everything seems ok for now i do not know about other users i will find out soon
Mario look at the pic that is what i see when i visit the page to see ultima try both firefox and chromelatest version clean cache and cookies nothing work

Marius P.

Seems like it doesn't load the css files from cdn.videoinedit.com, weird.
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