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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Thumbnail problems

Started by tassonfl,

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tassonflTopic starter

Hello, when I import videos from youtube, some thumbnail does not show. Imports of 30, 20 have the thumbnail and 10 no. Random ...
What can I do?
Is very annoying because I have to delete the videos without thumbnail.
Thank you so much, greetings.

tassonflTopic starter

I have problems with Viemo Importer, does not find any videos and show this error:
Vimeo API returned an error: Invalid signature
The oauth_signature passed was not valid.


Quote from: tassonfl on
Hello, when I import videos from youtube, some thumbnail does not show. Imports of 30, 20 have the thumbnail and 10 no. Random ...
What can I do?
Is very annoying because I have to delete the videos without thumbnail.
Thank you so much, greetings.

I'm having this same issue, folder have write permissions.


i have an issue of missing thumbnails from the new update aswell havent tried different amounts of videos or anything but its auto importing from youtube some have image other dont, then its actually grabbing multiple copies of the same videos some times
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PHPVibe A.


show me some videos, so I can figure out what's going on (like links to the youtube videos).

For the vimeo importer something is wrong in your settings (Vimeo keys).

tassonflTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Ok, so the actual problem is that Youtube did not migrate all the videos to the new thumbnail format.





tassonflTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: tassonfl on
Ok, but we can not do anything?

PHPVibe has a function which validates remotes, we can use that on the thumbs when being inserted.

On short:

	echo $thumb." is valid";
} else {
	echo $thumb." is not valid";

I'll patch now and commit a fix change.

PHPVibe A.



$video["thumbnail"] = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/" . $video['videoid'] . "/maxresdefault.jpg";


$video["thumbnail"] = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/" . $video['videoid'] . "/hqdefault.jpg";	

Testing now (this is for the importer only).


PHPVibe A.

This patch works.

Also, lib/class.providers.php


$video['data']['thumbnail'] = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/" . $video['data']['id'] . "/maxresdefault.jpg";


$video['data']["thumbnail"] = "http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/" . $video['data']['id'] . "/hqdefault.jpg";	

And this issue should be gone even on the "Share web video".

tassonflTopic starter

It works perfectly! Thank you so much, you're the top! I still have problems with Vimeo Import. I configured everything and it says "video not found"

PHPVibe A.

tassonflTopic starter

sometimes this:
Vimeo API returned an error: Invalid signature
The oauth_signature passed was not valid.
No (more) videos found

sometimes only this:
No (more) videos found

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: tassonfl on
sometimes this:
Vimeo API returned an error: Invalid signature
The oauth_signature passed was not valid.
No (more) videos found

sometimes only this:
No (more) videos found

I'll test it, it may need updating for 4.0 but that error usually comes out from an issue in the two needed keys.

tassonflTopic starter

Hello, I still can not run Vimeo Importer, you've tried to do something? Thank you very much

PHPVibe A.

I didn't got to plugins, still patching 4.0

tassonflTopic starter



Is there any way to go back through all video's automatically with this patch and get the video's to go "get" the thumbnails?


I am finding that thumbnails are not displaying the default image on the homepage, only on the sidebar... can you take a look? surchin.co

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: surchin.co on
I am finding that thumbnails are not displaying the default image on the homepage, only on the sidebar... can you take a look? surchin.co

Not sure I understand you, I can see the default thumb (that green text/logo, right?) in the content as well. Clear your cache.


I tried to get the larger thumbnails to display that logo by changing this area of class.youtube.php

function youtube_import($video=array(), $cat = null, $owner = null) {
global $db;
if(is_null($owner)) {$owner = get_option('importuser','1');}
if(isset($video["videoid"]) && isset($video["title"]) ) {
$video["thumbnail"] = "http://s23.postimg.org/httl938aj/" . $video['videoid'] . "/default.jpg";
$video["thumbnail"] = "http://s23.postimg.org/httl938aj/" . $video['videoid'] . "/default.jpg";   

But i found that ALL imported video's by default would use those images.... do i only replace the first URL? If you look again, youll see what I mean, or look at the attached image. The default thumbnail doesnt come up IF the thumbnail doesnt get pulled correctly from youtube.


PHPVibe A.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do.
Those thumbnails are already stored in the database, they won't be affected by php coding at all.
What you are doing there is setup all future imports from youtube to use that thumbnail format.


Hello, when i add video from youtube, thumbnail in homepage or sidebar are working OK, but when i open page with video i see this:

Image in player before play is showing like "no image", when i click on PLAY button video is working.

How can i fix this problem? I am using JwPlayer for youtube videos.

Thank you

PHPVibe A.

Hi, I think there is an issue with old videos, Youtube did not generate any maxresolution thumb for them.

Do this,

open lib/class.providers.php and find:

/* Render jwPlayer 6 */
global $video;

add under it:

$thumb = str_replace("maxresdefault.jpg","default.jpg",$thumb);

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