[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problem with blog loading time

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mihaiTopic starter

I want to know how to remove the article content from the blog.php becouse when i load the /blog page all the article contents  are loading in 1 page(/blog) and i want to remove this
<?php foreach ($posts as $ar) {
echo '
<div class="block block-inline">
<div class="box-generic">
<div class="media margin-none">
<a class="text-primary" href="'.article_url($ar->pid, $ar->title).'" title="'._html($ar->title).'"><h5 class="strong">'._html($ar->title).'</h5></a>
					<div class="row-fluid blog-holder">';
					if(isset($ar->pic) && !nullval($ar->pic)) {
					echo '	<div class="blog-image">							
								<div class="text-center ">
										<a href="'.article_url($ar->pid, $ar->title).'" title="'._html($ar->title).'"><img src="'.thumb_fix($ar->pic).'"></a>
					echo '	<div class="blog-text">							
						<a class="pull-right btn btn-default" href="'.article_url($ar->pid, $ar->title).'" title="'._html($ar->title).'">'._lang("More").'</a>



What should i remove to no longer have that article-content on my /blog page

Marius P.

Isn't it clear?

<div class="blog-text">                     
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mihaiTopic starter

That's exactly what i removed so i thought that will work but i had a white page as result.

mihaiTopic starter

OOOOOH!!! I see the problem
it must be echo 'content'
at me was echo content'

Marius P.

Some php syntax basics reading would help you ;)
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